Interesting credit at the end of the first video “Two Lane Backtop Productions
Interesting credit at the end of the first video “Two Lane Backtop Productions
“Best in show” interior 17 years ago? But what have you done for me lately? CP
I’m interested in how it compares to the Forester, in size and non-bouldering offroad capability, electronic assists etc.
That also sounds like the end of Buick!
4th Gear: Peugeot Gets Government Support For Buying Opel
Really, me too. The blue looks like the coveted 21 window, Delux, though the sunroof rendition needs a little help.
Thats Boxster, not Boxter, David. Thanks
Brown, thats how I would configure it. Brown
It was both maintenance and repairs. An hour each way. Otherwise all the major lux foreign dealers, including MB, BMW, Audi and Porsche are less than half an hour away. If you are cross shopping I can see it as a factor. An hour one way means 4 hours lost when you take it for service, out and back to deliver, out and…
My only question: when will be the best time to buy that Cayenne diesel that I was lusting for when this all broke. I know the real answer is “before the settlement was announced” but do I try to strike now or wait till the dust has cleared, people have their money, and the market adjusts?
Just for the fun of it, here is the former Peugeot dealer location in Washington DC. I think it’s kind of (hipster) ironic, because this is heart of the Petworth neighborhood, bombed out in 1991 but hot and trendy now. If the denizens of Petworth today wanted a cool car, the 505 would be great. Except they don’t drive…
And the 4runner wheelbase and overall length are both about 20" shorter than the Tacoma. Problem solved!
Thanks. Appreciate the facts. The real facts!
I thought GTIs were built in Germany?
Don’t forget the expense of the depreciation. These orphans are gonna fall apart in a few years, and be worth a couple of grand. Plus in the meantime you are going to be at the shop a zillion times getting warranty repairs. Meanwhile the Accord with still have real value - long term the Accord may be the best economic…