
Eh, personally I don't really see the big deal with Fear eventually catching up to TWD's timeline.I have faith in this new show's writing team that they'll be able to make the show still distinguish itself from the original in key ways (be it differing group dynamics, fresh and intriguing plot developments, etc)

Amazon just passed on it.

Am I the only one who still loved True Blood even after it's decline? No matter how shitty the writing may have gotten it was still one of the most fun and entertaining shows on television for me.

While Mad Men was in my opinion the greatest of the great, there are still plenty of other solid currently-airing dramas (The Americans, Fargo, House of Cards, Masters of Sex, etc)

Eh, as much as I love Breaking Bad, I don't think it was excellent all the way through. It definitely had its share of misfires along the way. The first season was incredibly uneven overall and the first few episodes of the third season were cringe-inducing with those cartoonish Cousins.

Fifth seasons usually turn out to be great, for me anyway. Six Feet Under, The Shield, Damages, Big Love, The Walking Dead, Mad Men (though I suppose I'm in the minority on this one), Breaking Bad, etc. I can count far more fifth seasons that I loved versus those that I hated and found to be the 'cut-off' point as you…

Ehh to each their own but I couldn't stand Borgia. The acting was just absolutely horrendous and the narrative often times felt plodding. I much prefer The Borgias.

No love for Justified, Lilyhammer, or Da Vinci's Demons? All three had infinitely better seasons this year than freaking Game of Thrones did. Season 4 of GOT was a rushed mess inside and out, and it showed pretty plainly.

Think before you talk. It'll do you good in the long-run. As it is now, it looks like you're giving Forrest Gump some serious competition in the low IQ department.

Eh, I watched the first season of the original after watching the first season of the US remake, and honestly I prefer the latter. Mot of the characters are just much better developed and thus more interesting to want to follow around.

Ehh, personally I'd say quite a lot of 2013 shows matched Enlightened's quality. Justified, The Americans, Hannibal, and Rectify being prime examples.

Sorry to hear that. I'll be here continuing to enjoy the season.

It has no less of a point than most anything else on television.

Exactly. What would him dying serve? After all he went through, even BEFORE being a year-long slave for the Aryans. He deserved to be free. Omar didn't go through nearly as much.

Thank god you weren't a writer on this show.

T-Dog, Jenner, and Milton weren't part of the comics. There were a bunch of much smaller-role characters too that weren't in the comics (off the top of my head: Oscar last season, the hispanic family in the first season, etc)

While it's admittedly no Breaking Bad, I do think this is easily one of the best shows in recent years (right alongside The Americans, Justified, Game of Thrones, and Rectify).

Oh, come on. Every era of television has had its ups and downs. We always need to be so dramatic…..

WHY are you guys still reviewing this? The show has even less viewers than Hell on Wheels and yet you stopped reviewing the latter show. It doesn't really make any sense to me. Huge waste of your time and resources.

Not true. We don't know how long he's known either Huell or Kuby for. Just because we didn't see them on screen earlier into the series doesn't mean they had never interacted with Saul until then. Huell, for one, probably got caught up in some patsy business and Saul bailed him out of jail.