
Too girly of a post to crosspost to Gizmodo?

Politics as usual, no matter what party is in charge.

Congrats! And I love Nikola's work.

@sequined: The ovaries are the vagina's brain.

@zrag: About once per day (~1 hr. of driving total) I'll be just through an intersection (under the signals) and think, "I guess the light was green."

@Iron59: Are you familiar with tags? The first time a tag is used, it will be the only one that shows up.

She's delicious, but skinny jeans don't look good on many people.

No one is going to bring up Andy Warhol's Blow Job?

This "expert" is a joke, right?

Why the long torso, Josh?

@rd2uk: Inappropriate because it's plausible?

@Trulymadlyme: Upon hearing the boos, the judge ordered all women within 1 kilometer to be stoned until death.

@greengrey: Yes. I was going to post: Have we come a long way, baby? I love the Hutton shot, the 1968 with the rifle, and that 1954 at the casino. Maybe we're just nostalgic?

@cc82: Grilled corn FTW.

Does he really play, or is this just some charity thing? If he does, I may have to like him just a little bit. (I irrationally dislike him for his GG character.)

@projectvirus: I realize you have to make money too, but if it's just a dollar or two a month over the lifetime, you could just throw it in for free, right? To a smart consumer $500 is $500, not $500/36.