
@hortense: When the photo editors decide it will.

I love her and keep envisioning her becoming a politician. If she did, I think I would move to her district to vote for her.

@kiddicus: There's an app for that.

"Unlawful sexual intercourse with a minor. Not rape."

@bluebears: And I'm sure someone thinks that Charles Manson was actually a great musician, you know, before he orchestrated the murder of a bunch of people.

This just in: a child's parent is generally the best caregiver for that kid.

@PilgrimSoul: I just need to publicly state that I agree 100 percent with Pilgrim Soul on the rapist Polanski topic. (Previous high: 46 percent.) ;')

This is such a strange battle: Hollywood (generally "liberal") vs. feminists and conservatives.

@anchovypaste: That sucks. And you were clear the first time.

@PilgrimSoul: " it or not, you are in a privileged economic position relative to this person."

If one wears those shorts, one expects gawking, right? I think I can see his eyes through the glasses and he looks like he's generally looking up at her face (probably working his way up!).

@curlysoo: I disagree that Agassi didn't have the star power that Serena does.

@OldEnough2BYourMama: Helmets always. Trees, posts, pavement, or walls will all split your skull as easily as a car.

@tomboygirl: Huh. I seem to only hear about it when friends move to New York.

On-street (as opposed to a bar) catcalling is kind of an NYC thing, right? I know it happens everywhere, but is the frequency in say Boston, LA, Chicago, or Miami even close to NYC?

@gherkinfiend: Oh Christ. I started to type she, but changed it to 'he' to make it less male-on-female. Did you ever think that the toddlers in the example could both be female? If you don't speak the script around here, you're in trouble!

@Hana Maru: People still die when wearing their seat belt too.

@gherkinfiend: Most girls and boys are taught when they are toddlers: "He said he doesn't want to be tickled. You need to stop." That's the beginning. Respecting others wishes.

The only potential argument against "teaching men not to be rapists" is that the vast majority of men do not need to be taught not to rape. All women should be educated on rape prevention, however.