@undefined: They are merely exchanging long protein strings. If you can think of a simpler way, I'd like to hear it.
@undefined: They are merely exchanging long protein strings. If you can think of a simpler way, I'd like to hear it.
@scarletbegonia: Macloserboy doesn't show up as banned to me. Maybe I'm missing something.
@PilgrimSoul: This was an internet video on a fashion magazine's website. Absolutely huge platform. If you want non-"patriarchal standards of beauty" on a much larger platform, you can watch Oprah, The View, Ellen, etc. on national television.
Why no pics to compare her in the two pageants?
I can see his collar bone, I'm worried that he's unhealthy.
@cassis: Neither does playing the victim forever.
This is horrific. I haven't ridden a subway very much, but I suppose it's so crowded that you can't possibly move?
@Awakeonatrain: Finally, a good use for a chastity belt!
@HanaMaru: Correct. And I propose moving toward equality by looking at them equally.
@cassis: library limited to one gender = library limited to one gender.
@lakatrinaaa: But maybe before recorded history we used to be more polygamous. Recorded history is pretty recent.
[shrug] The guy sounds like a total asshole, but if a woman wanted to start a women-only library most would not blink an eye. I know, oppressed groups..., but equal equals equal.
@mbprice: Each layer of The Onion's story brought more tears.
@fireflyinjuly: They are shooting a porn film. "Come this way, ma'am, the pizza you ordered is right down here. Whoops! Your top came off."
Why are his clothes all 3 sizes too big?
@tomboygirl: Whoops. Ignore. Intended for long thread on first page. Will paste there.
Re: thin privilege, I would think it would be "ideal" body type privilege. Maybe you write "thin" to mean "ideal"? I mean "thin" to mean skin and bones, people telling you "eat a sandwich" thin. I would agreed that "ideal" body type is a privilege.
@Jessi Ramsey: I'll let my sister know that it was a privilege to be called beanpole from 5th through 11th grade.
Does anyone have the minutes from the last Patriarchy meeting? Those would be helpful in determining malice.
@Elizabeth Tailormade: I can only pray that someday a Jezebel writer will click the 'star' link next to one of my comments and I'll become the 158,294th starred Jezebel commenter. Sigh.