
I hear NRA headquarters is sheltering whites as part of thier Christmas holiday celebration.

A beast makes the ugliest noises when it’s wounded.

Jesus Christ. We want just some place for us at the goddamn table and some white people act like we’re saying no white people allowed.

Dear Henry, the guy who thinks he needs a“safe space” for white dudes: it’s called EVERYWHERE. Inviting more people to the table doesn’t make you unsafe, you sniveling privilegewank.

I guess it make sense that there are more white men in positions of power because when someone even begins to make a SUGGESTION that their business can be strengthened by different opinions, backgrounds and worldviews they immediately go into hunker down protection mode.

People seem about as determined to hoard their privilege as they are to hoard all the guns.

Oh please no singing in this - except Bette Midler. She can sing whatever she wants.

Exactly. What do we expect when people are all about thd Old Testament? They still blame Eve and her kind for expulsion from Paradise. We’re demonized as harlots and temptresses, hell bent on destroying poor innocent menz.

When you find that a crime has no real punishment: rape, domestic violence against women and children, making threats on the internet (particularly against POC and women), what stops you from doing it? Nothing. Do it and do it often. That’s what criminals do. It’s why those crimes are epidemic and not addressed. This

Ugh, I had some jackass try to argue with me yesterday. They were outraged and “MYSTIFIED” at the attitude on Jezebel against pro-lifers. Don’t we know that they don’t hate women? They just believe in life at conception and abortion is the wroooong choice, because babies and life and something something morality.

Fascinating. Republicans seem to be so fucking obsessed with the second amendment that they forget the first exists.

Not to mention they have yet to show me they are “pro-life” in any way. They support the death penalty, complete deregulation of gun control, doing away with WIC/Head Start/the Department of Education/low cost birth control/affordable healthcare/sex ed in schools/lower cost higher education. Pretty much anything that

Because, they’re not actually “pro-life” they’re “pro-birth”. They could give 2 shits what happens after birth.

George Carlin said “ pro-life is anti-woman” and that is a true description of the movement,

No kidding. The brand of pro-life these people push reduces women’s bodies to objects that the women themselves have no autonomy over. Fuck that noise, that’s about as anti-woman as you can get.

I think we should ban all Christians from re-entering the country (yes, even the citizens). I am hoping some 40% of Americans will approve of my brilliant idea.

I feel like David Daleiden and Carly Fiorina are personally responsible for this lunacy. I would very MUCH like to see them held accountable.

I see what you did there. Sounds like it happened on the Fox news website (it’s how these radicalized Christianists communicate with each other) but when? That’ll take some digging.

White dudes on the internet especially - everyone knows they’re totally harmless and that typing words doesn’t hurt anyone!