
I love your username.

This whole “I didn’t know I was pregnant” thing is my fucking nightmare. NIGHTMARE.

THANK YOU. Her British accents are the woooooorrrrst.

At least Missouri admitted they couldn’t find anything, instead of trying to make something up.

I’m probably stepping on lots of toes here, but imo Damian Lewis is almost uglier than Daniel Craig, and I cannot imagine trying to get through a Bond movie he was in.


Thank you for this. I already fall in the second category, and the new converts make my eyes roll so hard. Like, I’m glad it works for you, but we’re all different.

I think it’s sad that this bitch is still drawing a paycheck and can’t just be fired, but, whatevs.

I’ve been debating seeing a dermatologist for my insane breakouts (since early March) but I have zero money. If it’s not too personal a question, how much was your visit?

IUDs have become the new Diva Cup around here. “OMG IUDS WHY ARE YOU USING ANYTHING ELSE ALL HAIL IUD!”

I literally bought nothing but solid color tanks or tees this summer, because of horrible patterns. Everywhere. On EVERYTHING. Guess I won’t be adding much to my autumn wardrobe, either. :/

Not sure how horror a movie this is, but David Warner as the Ripper in Time After Time. So he’s a slasher; he’s still handsome and charming.

Or my purse flask! :/

I’m gonna be “that person”: you’re not a *mother* until you’ve been handed a baby once you’ve given birth to it (or legally adopted a child). You’re just a woman who is pregnant. ;)

I don’t subscribe to any of these box things either. But I guess it’s nice to have disposable income. :/

The issue of Womens Health with a top less (but covered where it counts) Cobie Smulders was covered at my Midwestern grocery.

“Never say ‘can’t to a customer.”

Starred for “resting Terminator face”.

I need to drink heavily to get through anything with Kristen Chenoweth’s involvement.

I miss Max Factor pancake makeup. I used to have to wear it for dance recitals.