If you are getting several hundred or thousands of dollars as a refund, you should be redoing your w-4.
If you are getting several hundred or thousands of dollars as a refund, you should be redoing your w-4.
Is this mobile only?
Imagine a better world. Then delete Facebook and live happily ever after.
Can your news feed load the latest by default ? No ? Oh well ...
I tried it, and the new design is simply awful. If it rolls out and I can’t get the “classic” interface back, it might actually push me off of Facebook, which is pretty much the only social media platform I use.
“Look At Other People’s Blindspot Warnings In Traffic”
No... its supply and demand. Literally the simplest concept in economics. I suggest opening a book on the subject sometimes, it makes understanding simple concepts much easier.
If you don’t like the surge price, then take a cab. If the surg price is still cheaper than a cab, why would you complain?
UAW can either clean house or the fed will do it for them.
Why is it these types of idiots always pull out the Jesus Lord and Savior card when they get caught doing something inexcusable? Jesus isn’t going to keep your sorry ass out of prison, pal.
“After much discussion with his family and friends attorneys, Gary has elected been forced to resign his position as UAW president and retire prepare for incarceration effective immediately,”
Is it bad that I’d rather have 18s with thicker tires?
Pretty much what I’d do anyway, as I’m not very convinced one is coming because the drumbeat largely comes from people who really, really want one for political reasons and people who just enjoy pretending to be Cassandra until they get lucky (both of whom have been saying one is imminent for far longer than…
Personally, I’m diversifying my portfolio by investing in MegaMillions and Win4 in addition to Take5 and Powerball.
I have been using this hack for years even though my credit union will cover my ATM fees. I have bought a $0.20 piece of gum to get $100 back.
...nice people don’t ask for free drinks.
I increase mine with every raise. If its a 4%, 2% more goes to my 401K, if its 5% 3% goes. if its higher at least 1/2 that % goes to my 401K.
I saw that my raise goes into effect next pay so I just upped my contribution. I try to do so when I get a cost of living increase and/or a raise. Even 1% each time adds up. I got a late start on saving so I need to work on closing the gap. I know I never will, but once again, something is better than nothing.
The reason for percentages is that many companies require you to provide a percentage you would like to have taken out. You can use your math to get you in the ballpark and then round to the nearest whole percentage (assuming the only option is whole percentages).