Good. The Universe is punishing you for your blasphemy.
Good. The Universe is punishing you for your blasphemy.
UPDATE: my new air conditioner broke in the box.
You said what you needed to say. I saw no rambling.
Thank you Kara for giving words to this sheer sense of anger, sadness and frustration.
Your country cares so little for you that it is necessary to start a GoFundMe for such a basic thing as higher education, so little that it is apparently not normal for children like this to go to school after high school, so little that a father can be murdered by your country’s police every month and nothing…
I have no idea what type deals need to be made with getting today’s rappers to make this bit someone needs to get on it. The 1st two Def Jam games were gems.
Mutual bearding.
I went once to Cuba and had a wonderful time, it’s truly a lovely place with it’s ups and downs. I learnt two things there: the embargo is nothing short of criminal and their mechanics are FUCKING GENIUSES.
I was walking with my mom around El Malecon and we saw a guy wrenching on his “Almendron” (their nickname for…
Holy shit, a woman can’t even write an article online without a guy telling her to smile.
I enjoyed all the reports during the FA signing period saying that Austin Rivers was “meeting with team officials” which is really just code for having dinner with his dad.
His first draft: “We are fucked. Fucker fucked us. After Westbrook fucks us we are more fucked. No good player will fucking replace them because who the fuck wants to live in fucking Oklafuckinghoma?”
Joe Lacob had a team of Silicon Valley programmers create a secret algorithm that determined “Adding Kevin Durant is good.” Will the disruption ever end?
The only thing I find annoying about this whole thing is that Durant 1) whined about Miami forming a super team and 2) was a complete dick about Reggie Jackson wanting to leave OKC for a starting role.
The most hilarious part of all this is that it’s like these Grey’s Anatomy fans don’t even know who Shonda Rhimes is. Like is Shonda really gonna fire Jesse Williams for speaking out about social justice?? That’s about as likely as Donald Trump saying something intelligent. Ain’t gonna happen.
You’re right; my mistake. The person who taped TRAITOR to his former favorite player’s jersey and is protesting the fact that the player agreed to a contract somewhere else by holding up a sign outside the team’s headquarters is acting in a perfectly reasonable way.
Can we talk about Contador taking his shoe off after the crash and then handing it to his teammate, who pulled out the insole, STUCK IT IN HIS MOUTH, then handed it off to the team car while Alberto was peddling in his sock? One of the weirder moments of the day.
I just want them to make the damn demo available to non-PS+ members. I’m not paying $50 just so I can play this demo.