Tomas El Tiburon

I think it’s wonderfully optimistic that you think he’ll feel shame over this.

As long as the protestors don’t resort to violent action or harass his family and friends, I think this is an appropriate form of expressing anger about an obvious injustice. In lieu of a prison sentence, Turner will have to endure this humiliating protest and live with the shame forever, even if the actual

You guys should really some for the Jez office. Or better yet, stick like 20 of them in Deadspin.

Is that a problem? I figured a lot of people were playing it right now, so it’s a good touchstone. Sorry, I’m not a staff writer on Kotaku, just the weekend guest editor, so I’m not aware of there being any reason to avoid talking about a game everyone I know is playing.

Giving away a 1st round pick for Bradford IS inexplicable.

It may however may be mistaken for Wile E. - serial stalker of Roadrunners.

i’ll never get over the loveliness of this gif

Ryanne Lochté - I read it as Ryan Lochte

Is it possible to say something about one trans person without it equating to saying it about all trans people?

Having respect for transgender people and also believing Kaitlin Jenner may be a phony are not mutually exclusive points of view.

I bet you also lament our huge prison population...

Yeah, I’m pretty certain it’s not the inmate part of the story that’s the problem...

Slave labor is awesome?

I feel like a person whose introduction to porn was their rapist abductor kind of doesn't have the most level starting point for a conversation about the subject. But maybe that's just me.

Gabby Douglas gets raked over the coals for not putting her hand on her heart but Ryan gets a pass for being a 32 year old man who gets drunk and pees in public and breaks a door and lies about it. Wtf?

Best batch of Sunday comics in a long time

IOC decides against dying of polonium 210 poisoning.

This makes me happy because I was tired of seeing the “proof” that ghostbusters will fail being that the toys were marked down before the movie even was released at some target. Stupid Reddit.