Interestingly, this actually does offend 9 out of 10 Native Americans.
Interestingly, this actually does offend 9 out of 10 Native Americans.
Man I wish FPS didn’t give me horrendous motion sickness, because this game sounds amazing. The last one to come out that reminds me of this was Bulletstorm, one of the most fun games ever. I love when a game remembers how important having fun while playing is
When I got knocked up all I got was a baby, and this bitch is birthing whole planets.
I’m not staying with it. I haven’t played it in many months. But I plan to go back to it, yes, because I liked some of the Riddler challenges’ puzzle design. I’m a Zelda guy, and there are few games these days that offer interesting environmental puzzles. I found a bunch of them and am hoping that there are more good…
All of the people claiming to be tired of this are really Cardinals fans trying to figure out a way to make you stop. Don’t fall for their false flag operation.
Look, soccer is just too boring for a guy who has spent 5 hours a day for 30 years debating middle reliever usage in regular season baseball games.
Origins is the only one I haven’t played, so I was hoping they would include it. I still have so much more poking around to do in Knight, what with all the Riddler trophies and the DLC that I don’t see myself going back to Asylum and City. But they will be great games for first-timers to pick up. They’re both terrific.
Hm... I don’t know if I can return to these games this soon. Arkham Knight left me absolutely disappointed. Maybe one day I’d get these again though, especially if Origins gets remastered too.
Lord, that was twelve years ago?!!!!!
I think 2/1 odds are that an Umber stabs him right before the big battle begins at the end of the season. No way the Umbers refused to swear and oath and aren’t on the Starks’ side.
So Theo Epstein is worth the total sum of the national debt then.
I like that when anytime someone uses SJW in a derogatory manor, you know right off the bat what kind of person they are and can ignore everything else they say about whatever it is they’re bitching about.
Leave it to Americans to post some simple minded explanation for a complicated situation in order to score some incredibly lame political points at home.Corruption and mismanagement over the years has left the country dependent on oil money that is continually siphoned off by corrupt officials. This has happened…
She’s going to cherish her memory of being on the show and high school will fade away for her like it does for everyone else.
Construction workers on the scaffolding probably thought that they were safe.
Weird, I don’t see a crowd of people nearby. They all must be under the Mustang.