Tomas El Tiburon

I liked the first one’s mechanics, but I was frustrated by the way in which the game presented itself as offering tons of player choice — you can be stealthy or you can brawl, etc. — but then tied the obviously best win states rigidly to playing it just one kind of way. I feel like that happens in a lot of games these

“Audiences are not stupid,” writes the commenter, as the joke flies over their head. ;)

Actually, they had to win 22 games and draw 11, resulting in a point total that exceeds any other football club in the English Premier League.

All I know I’m 10 grand richer!!!! I got them them 475:1 in November when the odds started to fall. Stuck €20 to win and here I I’m! Awesome stuff....!!!!

An app that lets me smell what he is cooking or GTFO.

Schilling is headed to Barstool where he can continue to pander to suburban Massachusetts racists.

If I was in Sacramento I would buy season tickets just to watch the bench.

This guy is now in second place.

As a Titans fan, I’d GLADLY take McCarthy over Mularkey. Hell, I’d even take “4th quarter of a close game” Andy Reid.

Now that trade makes even less sense...

the art style is incredible and the main draw of the game imo.

A fight between Volvo and Tesla must be an existential crisis for a Jalopnik editor.

For the longest time I couldn’t decide which one I preferred. Mario 3 or World. I think World beats it now but back in the day 3 was my favorite due to the slightly stranger world. Mario World felt too ‘designed’. Everything had a purpose. In Mario 3 you had one-off cool things like the chasing sun, that shoe power

Wait till you hear her music.

Don’t mind if I ThiboDO! Have sex with him, I mean.

I have never been less afraid of another teams QB than I was watching Bradford play. And sure, my team lost anyway because the Giants were a fucking clown show last year, but still, Bradford sucks.

I don’t disagree with this argument, but I don't agree with it as a deflection against the benefits to having an extra 1mph on each pitch. That said Bonds had the best eye at the plate quite possibly in history and the steroids didn't help with that.

In his early days in Pittsburgh he was amazing, a little skinner but still a top 5 player at the time. Onece a reporter asked him if there was an area of the plate he couldn't get to, he said there was and that it was about the size of a quarter. Of course he wouldn't say where it was.

Sosa and McGwire are the perfect steroids poster boys. They never hit for average like Bonds, but because they were juiced, the balls they did hit went just a little farther than usual. Having 10-20 would be warning track pop outs turn into 10-20 extra dingers a year made them superstars and out hit their natural

Steroids can make you bigger and stronger but they won’t help your control and suddenly make you accurately throw pitches in tight places. Arrieta is physically dominant but that’s only 10% of being a pitcher. Pitching in corners with the right spin and trajectory and all that other physics stuff is more important.