Tomas El Tiburon

Geez, Cleveland gets all the luck.

Anyone who wants to diss this because of the age difference can take a flying fuck. Life is hard and if you find love and everyone’s a consenting adult, I say FUCK YEAH!

I love that Durant reads the moment and realizes that he needs to physically restrain Russ.

D’Angelo Russell: [swipes right]

when i see him bouncing around doing weird dances with a super serious face on, it seems like some kind of pokemon type wind up. he may really explode with some kind of dunk from half court one day and kill a whole opposing team

This feature really reaches new depths of trolling the Cardinals and their fans.

*I* wanted to hug them and I was sitting across from them! They were legitimately so upset. It was unreal. Restored my faith in humanity. And bros.

No matter what my mood is, I get a little smile whenever these come out!

You do not understand intellectual property law.

Yeah, I love how fast Durant took that question like he was worried Westbrook was going to get himself suspended.

Let’s be fair. The Warriors have lost 9 regular season games this year, too.

Man I loved their Villanueva response. Westbrook is cracking you up talking about how he has to get prepared to sit the pine all season then KD comes in, with no joy in his voice, to twist the dagger. Bravo. I am loving the heel turn Westbrook and Nice guy aka the Servant have taken.

Congratulations on having a pulse!


I would also be in the middle of a personal emergency if every Beyonce fan IN THIS UNIVERSE and a few others were being super fucking insane. Holy shit.

Plus, you can’t just decide to believe, no matter how good the pussy is.

I insulted him to his face at a concert. Really small venue event for charity. You were never more than three people away from the stage. The show started two hours late and after standing outside in stilettos waiting to get in the venue, I was not in the mood. I was standing dead center in front of the stage, being


When you’re hard at making licensed tie-in games it’s easy to assume they’re just in it for an easy paycheck. Releasing something two years later when they didn’t have to shows some dedication that belies cashing in.

Still don’t know what started this. Still don’t ever want this to end.