Tomas El Tiburon

Let’s cut the guy some slack on his day off. It’s not easy being a St. Louis policeman.

“Oh so now everyone who has a swatstika tattoo is a racist?”

Cardinal fans don’t want the accussed actions of a few to represent all of them. “Most of us are classy enough to call him the n-word in the privacy of our home around only friends and family.”

Nice of him to at least use a self-portrait.

It’s notable that pretty much every former South Korean president that served thru the late 80s —nearly all of whom were ex-military— was convicted of major crimes and imprisoned. (Whether they actually served anywhere close to their full terms, is another issue.)

That is an aspirational ass. I have almost 2 years to get there.

Still waiting for Deadspin to post the audio of the best fans in baseball welcoming Heyward back.

For a single person with no kids and no debt, $75k seems perfectly reasonable in LA. People in LA labour under the delusion that they live in an expensive city, but then you go to *actually* expensive places like SF, NYC, London and so on and it’s cheap (and you get way more space) in comparison.

At least the fans’ wrist shots were more accurate than the Flyers were.

Hurr durr, CV has alopecia, hurr durr.

As someone who didn’t use the exploit, and doesn’t have set of 240 gear, I hate the idea of punishing players for using in game exploits. Hackers and cheaters are one thing, but players just farming loot easily because your game is broken is completely different. Fix your fricken’ game! Or maybe, you know, make an

I’m voting for the candidate whose ideologies most closely align with my own, in the hopes that a strong showing will be a message to future candidates that there is value in supporting true liberal policies.

1) This dumb election has made every single politically minded person lose their minds and I can’t wait until it’s over

Remake coming in 15 years when the Okc Thunder will be the subject. And how the Warriors success took Durant and Westbrook out of okc and led the Thunder to move back to Seattle.

Pshh! I’ve seen nearly 3,000 different endings! They were oddly similar, though...

That’s the thing about pixel art. Anybody with decent taste, a lot of time and a lot of dedication can make beautiful pixel art, so it thrives in the indy scene (a little overused frankly). But if you’re a giant publisher, you aren’t about to drop the money for that style. I actually kind of wish there were a few AAA

If you honestly can’t tell the difference between some kidding around about a driver’s hair that defies physics in a way that is nothing short of amazing and the kinds of disgusting, insulting, and dehumanizing comments other people have to put up with about their looks, you might be making a garbage comment!

“Agreed” - Tim Marchman

It’s too bad Jeff Fisher won’t be around to see the Titans name all those draft picks captains against the Rams in 2-3 years.

The actual act of taking over enemy gang territory usually involves far more intimidation and buying off people than shooting at their face (although judicious application of shooting at faces is often crucial).