Tomas El Tiburon

I’ve got a ton of friends who are pissed about Noah and Rose going to the Knicks and I don’t understand it. Both guys have been underperforming for the last season or two, and they’ve both had health problems for a loooooong time (thanks Thibs!)(best coach we’ve had since Phil, but his rotation control was atrocious).

FUCK Ian Connor forever and ever. In addition to being a rapist, dude has no talent, surfs by on other people’s waves, and is in general a tremendous douchebag. I hope he dies alone on a garbage barge.

I know people hate on this trend of remastered last-gen games, but I LOVE it. I didn’t have a last gen console, so I missed out on a lot of classics, Bioshock among them. Can’t wait to play this!

This is the god’s honest. Why the FUCK are they paying what are probably grossly inflated promo fees for Kobe, Carmelo, and Porzingis to run during the NBA Playoffs, when they could get a LOT more bang for their buck in other avenues???

It’s not wrong in and of itself to rely on high draft picks for future success. The problem lies in not knowing how to adequately work those picks for good players AND trading them for picks further down the line or as part of a package for FAs. Hinkie’s downfall was his monomaniacal focus on the draft picks only,

This this this this THIS

This right here is exactly why I’m not in the least bit surprised by this “revelation.” This is what EA does!

I paid an extra $10 in my preorder to get the premium version, which came with a whole shitload of cards. Got some ringers in there too. That's the only justification for it I can see.

My grandparents had that EXACT car, down to the color. I learned how to drive stick on it. Surprisingly fun to drive on hilly country roads

Wait, really? I thought the more you did, the faster you got them out of your system. At least, that’s what I had read about pot when I was freaking out about drug tests.

Awesome article as always, Jia. Abbey Fisher is a dunce without an ounce of self-awareness. Here’s my question: is it ever possible to reach a point where affirmative action policies are no longer needed? When all races hit a point where their median income is exactly equal, do policies get pulled? Because it seems

Doorless? Explain please

Goddammit, there are some germs of REALLY good ideas in there, but it’s getting absolutely savaged by reviews. It actually seems like an interesting game, it sucks that it’s apparently boiled shit

The entire Jewish mafia is something that fascinates me to no end. It helps when someone as magnetic as Tom Hardy is its representation though

Love the news, and your username

S3 fell off the quality train a bit, but HOLY SHIT Peaky Blinders is such a dope show. The last scene absolutely petrified me, and I really don’t know what next season is going to look like, if there is one.

Blood Orange is the man, but I’m only feeling that beginning part with those chilled drums and beautiful vocals. When he starts getting all spoken-word-y, I lose interest.

“Progressive is not exactly a word people might think of when you think Missouri,”

Let me get this straight: you’re saying that women from Pakistan can’t be feminists because their country has awful people? Fuck yourself in your ear.

Seconding everyone who would like some more reading material on this subject...