Tomas El Tiburon

Christianity is anti-female if you actually read the text

Uh, it’s actually really easy to find. Even in places that are as repressive as Saudi Arabia, women continually manage to find workarounds to the absurd policies. Also, I’ve met quite a few Pakistani Muslim women; they are, every single one of them, badass as all hell.

Agreed. I wonder if this was a problem in coaching (probably, since they did it EVERY possession) or in execution. Lots of people have pointed out this was probably to stop fast breaks to the other end, but you’d think Kerr would have had his lineups adjusted to fit at some point when it killed them throughout the

Thank you for this! Still looks a little floaty/slippery, but overall I think the gameplay looks like what I need for my Igavania fix.

Albert, this is good Deadspin. I still give Jordan the nod, because he never sleepwalked (sleptwalked?) through the season so he could turn it on in the Finals and also because I’m a Bulls fan whose earliest memory is the first championship, but this was a transcendent Lebron performance.

Oh, me too. I’m worried because A. I don’t have a PC/Steam account, so I can’t play the demo, and B. the video on the KS page looks pretty but doesn’t seem super precise. Kiiiinda worrisome

The video on the KS page is disappointingly spare: no combat, only some platforming. So that would jibe with what you’re saying; I just wish there was something more concrete.

Good god those claymation bits were the objective best

I make a Mexican style gazpacho when it gets sweltering out. Fresh tomatoes, cucumber, jalapeno, some sherry vinegar, salt, pepper, dash of olive oil, some old bread; blend that sucker up, throw it in some bowls with chopped cilantro, chopped avocado, some more jalapeno. Maybe dash in some tequila or mezcal if you’re

I mean, it’s not like Curry was going to be banging bodies with Tristan Thompson for boards, but their utter disappearance in the paint was a PROBLEM for them. They needed at least one and ideally two guys in position to chase and make life difficult for the Cavs.

Wait, really? I’m a Deadspin commenter, so I don’t bother doing research, but I thought Bogut went down in game 4...

No, totally: injuries/suspensions were a factor on and, refreshingly, I haven’t seen any Dubs fans bitch and moan that their team was running at 70% and that’s the only reason the Cavs won. But at least last year’s Love-and-Kyrie-less Cavs looked like a complete basketball team: they were still hustling for rebounds

Did Bloodstained even make an appearance? Doesn’t seem like they had any presence despite promising a playable demo, and the Mighty No 9 debacle has me leery.

Hey, I haven’t seen any mention of it, but how are people feeling about Bloodstained, the Metroidvania game Iga’s been putting together? I saw the video on the KS page, but Miriam is moving slower and a little more slippery than I’d want out of that kind of playstyle. Also, did they get the demo together for E3?

They’re not necessarily “soft,” but with Tristan Thompson getting rebounds over Speights/Barnes/Ezeli (who apparently has two bundles of rotten firewood for hands) without even jumping (/s), they were definitely “pillowy” or “squishy.”

This has been the most overlooked aspect of the Cavs’ win. It can’t be a coincidence that Lebron and Kyrie both blew the fuck up when he wasn’t able to play.

This is the correct answer

Jesus christ
