This is the fucking burn of the week
This is the fucking burn of the week
Vinegar and Oxi Clean are miracle products for this purpose. Dash of white vinegar in the wash will take care of everything
Could we get a supplement to this? I would love a bimonthly social media update from enraged Cardinals fans. I know BestFansStLouis handles twitter, but there must be furious, LIBTARD-hating fans posting on the team’s Facebook.
Serious Sam VR is STATIONARY?!? What’s the fucking point of calling it Serious Sam then?
I’m really looking forward to only reading articles about this game and never playing it. Looks fucking TERRIFYING and really well done; hopefully they keep to the horror core of RE.
Is . . . is this going to be open world? The whole skill tree aspect has me in a weird place.
Your wish:
Hmmmm, that’s a good point.
My god . . . it all makes sense now
Serious question: are you me? Do I have a split personality where I’m posting on two accounts without knowing it? Because I was doing the same thing exactly, in exactly that way.
It’s the objective worst. LSH is one of my fave characters; this will they or won’t they shit is killing me.
We definitely did, but I think it was more in reference to the Mad King trying to burn everything down. We haven’t seen that Bran can see the future yet, just the past.
No judgment on anything, but this is a really funny comment coming from “Scrobocop”
Both of those are already accounted for!
Can someone tell me who to root for in this latest chapter of vegan drama?