Tomas El Tiburon

Hey, only slightly related: how do people find the dankest gifs? The below basically slays me but I have no clue how to find these

Ok, solid points here. My issue is that it felt in many ways like a step back from AC. AC felt more like Gotham, with all the little callouts (Maxie Zeus’ place, etc), and the combat didn’t feel as smooth. I think people’s opinions on the game depend entirely on their tolerance for the tank sections, and I had none by

You’re a stronger man than me. AC’s Riddler puzzles were way more satisfying for me; AK just seems to rely too much on other tricks. To each his own!

Serious question: do you enjoy the overreliance on the Batmobile? It’s thrilling to race through the streets at high speeds with a really great sense of control (and doing donuts was never not fun), but every single tank section made me audibly groan, and the game leans way too hard on it.

Can I ask you, no snark intended, why you’re staying with such a deeply flawed game? Didn’t play Origins, but I LOVE AA and AC (AC especially is in my top 3 all time), and I couldn’t WAIT to finish AK’s story and then trade it in. Which I used to buy GTA V.


Ding ding fucking ding. COTD or I’ll eat my hat

I hate that I’m actually somewhat amped for this. Maybe he’ll slip in some of the stories he’s teased over the years. Don’t forget that he and Worldwide Wes used to have each other on speed dial

Good LORD it just got dusty in my apartment

That photo from Timbaland just about broke my heart. So much talent, but also: I’m so old

Dammit, Sony. Do something like this!

Your parents were woke before it was cool to be woke

Damn. That’s top notch

I think I’m just the player who would prefer storyline choices to not be changed by your actions (I’m thinking of MGS V here). Where the mission succeeding pushes the narrative forward, but your actual actions can be graded. Different strokes, different folks.

Gourmet Dog Japon is the shining light of Seattle’s hot dogs. The dog with pickled ginger haunts me to this day.

I never got to the point where I could whirl around though (I’m not the best at FPS though)...

This is a solid point, but here we disagree. I think the devs pretty clearly say “if you do X, Y will happen, but also Z will happen as a side consequence.” I wouldn’t mind emphasizing non-lethal, if it weren’t for the fact that A. certain story results occur with no clear connection to your actions (why would that

A Seattle dog has cream cheese on it. It is revolting.

A Seattle dog has cream cheese on it. It is revolting.

You’re only partially misunderstanding :) Each level could be played differently and those differences were certainly encouraged by the game designers. But the results of those actions often had completely unrelated consequences. Plus, the fact that the game “encouraged” lethal force through how your powers develop