Tomas El Tiburon

But your actions have consequences that shouldn’t necessarily occur. I’m thinking of the child (whose name escapes me) tossing and turning because you’ve taken the more murderous route, just as one example.

I think OP’s point is that Dishonored had many different ways to achieve your goals, but really wanted players to complete it in one way. The ideal win state for that kind of game is to have differing results without a clear “good/bad” binary.


That bittune version of “ABC 123" is hysterical

And that’s a fair point! Coughlin reached the point where he needed to go. But McCarthy is definitely not there yet. He’s far from the perfect coach, but I’d still take him over 90% of the league.

I am definitely not disagreeing with you; McCarthy has a shitload of flaws that have caused me to scream at my tv numerous times (Capers especially should be tarred and feathered, Revolutionary War style). But look at other coaches on the market; who among them would you take over Mac? Keep in mind that both Arians

What potential coach that’s a real option would you take over McCarthy? I mean, MAYBE Cowher comes back, but there are a lot of options out there that are shittier than Big Mac.

Whoa, I’m a Packers (and Rodgers) fan, and I don’t even think he’s the best QB in the league. Top 3, absolutely.

McCarthy is on Drew’s chopping block every damn week. Is there something I’m missing? Decent coaches are like decent QBs; there will always be a market for someone who has proven he will not completely shit the bed His fat ass seems fairly bulletproof for at least two more seasons from where I’m sitting.

I can’t believe grown ass people still think the cool thing to do is flick off the camera. I hate it so much

The single-level mechanics are part of what makes the game great, but also heartbreaking. Kuribo’s Shoe haunts me to this day.

It’s definitely a vicious circle, but the appeal is once you start moving up higher levels and getting the PHAT LEWT, the game fundamentally changes. All of a sudden you have to be aware of much more devastating attacks; there gets to be a point where your gear isn’t QUITE to the level of the enemies you’re fighting.

Oh, definitely. No one’s denying that he used roids. I’m just saying that while they let him hit for distance, they didn’t actually alter his natural ability to hit the damn ball.

I think we’re in agreement. Roids let him hit for power, but he always had the natural ability to put pine on the ball. They changed his game, but he was always a hitter.

I don’t think he would have hit as many dingers, but he still would have made contact and hit to get on base. Didn’t he lead the league in stolen bases for a few seasons? Guy was adept at getting on base before he decided to hit for power.

Bingo. Doping has become this all-powerful devil that gives you all of Superman’s powers. Barry Bonds shooting roids into his ass gave him more power, but it didn’t affect his sheer ability to put bat on ball.

I was actually thinking of Snyder and Sam Brownback, who has basically destroyed Kansas economically. Like, they don’t have money. At all.

For Illinois, you forgot to mention the fact that their current governor is probably the third most loathed governor in the country right now. His mere existence could possibly push a large part of the state blue.

Tinder for parents is a legitimate million dollar idea

I mean, I get your position; the Spurs play phenomenal ball. I’m just rooting for an exciting series, and it’s hard to have a better matchup than “incredible natural ability” vs “perfect teamwork and execution”.