Tomas El Tiburon

You’re made of solid steel. I apologize for my gender; no one should have to deal with that kind of shit.

Kindly swallow some arsenic, asshole

Westbrook is obviously the face of insanity, but watch him clench his fist as that Cuban question is coming. He wants to put his fist through the wall SO BAD.

I literally just swooned at this

I’m going to take the stance that Dream was underrated. He Loves You Not is a JAM

You’re a clown

In the first one, I think it’s a mistake to assume to all change can come from OP. I know plenty of people who grew up fundy Christian, but changed their ways and thought patterns once they were out of college and faced with the real world. We don’t know how deeply Christian their college is. That said, it’s probably

Fuck 2016

I love this. How the hell did Cruz ever do well in debating when this is as good as he gets with extemporaneous speaking???

I tend to enjoy the concept of roguelikes more than I like playing them (FTL was the bane of my life for an extended period), made even more so since it’s a bullethell (arguably my worst genre), but DAMN I want to play this.

Speaking as a male supporter of Bernie who is hopefully not a Bernie bro, the condescension from the Hillary camp is far and away the worst part of her campaign. It’s impossible to pretend that Debbie Wasserman Schultz ISN’T actively campaigning for Hillary to get the nomination, no matter how many underhanded tactics

Bulls fan here, and my bias is showing, but even when he was at his peak, Derrick Rose never got the calls that other superstars got. Even during and just after his MVP season, he got the shit kicked out of him on both ends of the court.

God of War III was all spectacle, with weak ass gameplay, little differentiation between the weapons, and WAY too much pointless gore. GoWII was the crown jewel of the series. Come at me!

This is the saddest story I’ve ever read

Aren’t you disproving the central thesis of this by pointing out that the three QBs named in the article came from different rounds? Development and attitude matters at least as much in making an all star QB as success in college.

All the chicks dig my enormous dickhole. It’s like Goatse, but, y’know. A dickhole.

Like basically everyone, I have a tremendous crush on Ellie Kemper, but there’s something about the combined dorkiness of her and her husband that warms the cockles of my shriveled, frozen heart.

What the hell is “Michael David Smith” talking about? Aside from a fairly huge deal, who gives two shits about the draft at this point?

That’s EXACTLY how I felt. As soon as that drive started, I felt a goal coming.