Definitely an ugly goal, but a fluke? They were pressing the net like crazy on that possession; a goal felt preordained.
Definitely an ugly goal, but a fluke? They were pressing the net like crazy on that possession; a goal felt preordained.
KABOOOOOOOOM! Roast of the year
I’m a dude, and I think top sheets are tops
I can’t stop giggling at this. +1
Did we play the same demo? I’ll grant you they got the tone of FF correct, but good god, the controls are terrible (Defend button is an enormous joke, and the warping is weightless and slow) and the camera is early-PS1-action-game bad (ESPECIALLY when fighting against enormous enemies, which is one of the primary…
Zombies!!! is a game that, like Forbidden Island, can EASILY be converted from group play to solo. Frankly, it’s almost as fun.
Came here just to say this. Forbidden Island is an absolute BLAST of a game with people, but could easily be converted solo.
I mean, do you think there are stories that can ONLY be told from a white-het-cis perspective? It’s a very narrow point of view. For the broader experiences, that are by nature designed to appeal to many groups of people, I can’t think of a story that only a white-het-cis character could tell. And given that it’s been…
That is goddamn beautiful and perfect
Dog Chris Chelios
Falafel, and caprese salad. This question is over.
You forgot to mention that this asshat knows exactly fuck-all about sports