Penis Van Lesbian

We shall not speak of Iron Fist.

Sums it up for me. I mean, it was never a great show, but at least it was watchable up until then. By the end, I was hate-watching. What a stupid, cowardly show.

"Arib"? And is that meant to be "back-market" or "black-market"?

He was the best thing in the show… aaand, they killed him off. Pfft.

I think I threw it at his hand, which in retrospect was a MEDIOCRE choice. Brain him or drop it - anything else is just #SAD.

So, been watching American Gods. Holy shit, that speech by Anansi in the hold of the slave ship was chilling and exhilarating in equal measures.

Is 'woke' just about race? I thought it was the whole progressive schtick.

One that puzzled me the other day is "Love's Labour's Lost", which looks plain wrong - c'mon, Will, it's either "Love's Labours Lost" or "Love's Labour Lost". Are you seriously suggesting that there should be an "is" in there?

I met a blood-soaked, Mongol queen in Ulan
She took me to her Ger for a ride
She had to heave me right across her shoulder
Cause some airag I just drunk had left me blind
It's the Mongolian women
Gimme, gimme, gimme the Mongolian blues

I've always assumed that Kintyre, Scotland is the correct answer.

I'm sure i remember the shape of the spare dematerialiser circuit from old school who (Pertwee iirc)

Good boy, internet, good boy.

That still in the Almost Famous clip looks like Donald Sutherland after he's been taken over by the pod-people. That wouldn't be a fun party.

The Moomintrolls' garden party from Finn Family Moomintroll. Not only does it look enchanting, but I know the secret of the Hobgoblin's hat, so I'd slip a few egg shells in there before he turns up, and get to ride around on my own little cloud.

I'm confused. Shaky-cam and fast-edits are too different things, are they not?

I think he means the top picture, and it's a medieval muppet.

I cannot upvote this enough (although, technically speaking, 'enough' could just mean 'twice').

I think it's the TV equivalent of Lucy and that damned football. This time, this time…

Thanks for that - most enjoyable. Does that book say anything about not wrapping high-rise blocks in flammable material? Because that's starting to sound like a really bad idea too.