Penis Van Lesbian

Between this and fire-guy further up, this comments section has been both fun and educational. Keep it up, everyone!

Also available, Victory Gin.

I read that years ago! (A real page-turner iirc ;) )

Ah - I think that must be it. Brain fart.


I can't speak for the other stuff (banning public APIs? Unless I've misunderstood, that's pretty insane just from a technical pov, like banning car-doors or something. Can you provide a link?), but this case is a bit more complicated. The trouble is that Google wants to present search as a service rather than a

In Turkey, it's 'ketcap', which I'd always assumed was a translation from 'ketchup', but it also looks pretty close to some of the more archaic forms.

The best ones seemed to be those who were most apologetic about their efforts. This does not surprise me.

Ultron improves immeasurably on a second viewing (and I write as someone who was very disappointed by it on first viewing). The problems are still there, but you know what to ignore second time around, and the themes come through much more strongly when you know where it's heading.

It really isn't, but going by the accusation, I'm beginning to wonder if your view of reality might not be a bit off.

You do realise you're replying to yourself? If so, remarkable insight…

Are you sure about this? Wouldn't the great gazoo stuff indicate a joke account? (checks Gazoo's posts). Well, if it's a joke, he's really committing to it.

It pissed me off until the reveal, and then I just assumed he was a fellow fan.

First world assholes creating third-world problems, not to mention endangering all those who legitimately cannot take vaccines. I've lost (anti-vac) friends over this - ignorant, self-entitled assholes who will mock creationists with one breath and expouse this craptastic bullshit with the next; who will ignore a

Why would anyone think that Netflix isn't about making money?

I was a bit thrown by the rather blatant rip-off at first, but, once the reveal took place (I honestly had no idea until he removed the disguise), I just concluded the Master was a B5 fan.

I'm not saying you won't have people who disagree, but is it that controversial? I mean, do people dis Fight Club?

In Harry Potter and the Methods of Rationality (a rewrite of HP in which everyone behaves logically), Ron gets about 2 paragraphs before Harry and Hermione completely ignore him for the rest of the tale.

I once found myself watching some physics lecture on the Open University at about 3 in the morning. Someone fucked up, and as well as the lecturer, I could also hear two cleaning women having a chat in some unrelated studio. One of them eventually left, leaving the other to hum and whistle whilst she carried on

Why not real nuns? I don't think it's a sin. It's the fucking PR, isn't it?