Penis Van Lesbian

Is that meant to be specific to doves? I'm asking for a friend.

UK here, and I was about to ask the same thing. Canadian? (that 'aboot' thing they always seem to get ribbed on).

World of Flops.

Really, anyone not aiming for 'Last!' deserves… well, Kinja.

Can someone explain death wish fantasies to me, and how the blackmail package fits in?

If you think your interaction with a nazi is having some effect on them, then keep fucking that nazi (if you want to). Also, make it conditional that they read Primo Levi's "Is This a Man", and watch the BBC documentary series on Netflix about Auschwitz.

Ah, either/or.

Alexandra, the latest in a steady line of Marvel Netflix villains (Wilson Fisk, Kilgrave, Diamondback) to be as compelling as the heroes.

This article makes me angry and sad.

The slavers were, largely, unrepentant dicks, whereas those two were honourable men. From Tyrion's (and probably Varys') POV, she'd given up a tactical diplomatic asset as well as burning alive two men whose only crime was to refuse to surrender their loyalty to force alone. She violated the deontological imperative

Well, he pretty much saved DD S2, so I'm looking forward to this… sort of. He really isn't a good role model.

Heh. Yeah, I wasn't being that serious. We've known you were batshit for years. We should really stop being surprised by this point, but it's like looking after a senile parent: just when you think you're acclimatised to the nonsense, they find some whole new bit of surreal behaviour.

Pain in the ass? They're not racist, but they do hog the hummus.

True, but not enough on its own. You wouldn't want Auschwitz bulldozered just because, I presume, a few neo-nazis secretly sneak in to gloat. I dunno - there seem to be a lot of them, but a few should be kept in their historical and geographical context with appropriate explanations. But, yeah, get rid of most of

There's a fine line between holding controversial but legitimate opinions and being a PITA troll.

Reality is really fucked up when I've got to raise a glass to a Murdoch.

I feel a little conflicted about this - I'd rather they supplied additional information regarding the historical context which, afaict, only ever existed as a rejection of civil rights (which is rather more damning than just erasing them). At least a few ought to be reserved for illustrating the reality.

I have to admit to liking the IKEA shopping ordeal - it's like you arrive at a restaurant only to realise that you are the meal. You start in fairly comforting surrounding, before finding yourself chewed, swallowed, digested and shat out the other end. It's refreshing.

Carry on hoping, because either there is hope, or mankind is irretrievably fucked. But beyond hoping, keep talking, keep engaging, and with everyone, not just the echo chamber. There has been a fundamental failure here, not just on the right but on the left. We have retreated from radical economics and into a nice

That was kind of my take too. In any event, they're not fucking heroes* whatever their motives. If you can't grasp the principles of a jury trial, not least the fact that you don't decide someone's guilty just because you don't like 'em, let alone the issue of what they're actually on trial for, then your part of the