Penis Van Lesbian

Well, it's a crazy idea but it might just work. Rather you than me though.

Completely agree - I'm just suggesting that it's very effective when they do.

Ah - I was looking for dining plates. Doh.

Could you at least clarify what you are objecting to? Right now, I don't know whether it's because I described some nazis as irredeemable, or because I promoted dialogue and discourse.

Obligation, no.

Help me out - I've watched the embedded video, and I can't find the relevant bit.

I'll be in my bunk.

My take is a little more nuanced. Are there unredeemable nazis out there? Probably, so fuck those guys (but don't punch them). However, an all-out, with-us-or-against-us, cultural war is counter-productive.

Quit drinking, sure, but don't give up on eating babies.

This is my feeling. I genuinely don't understand how the concept is 'wrong' - surely that's down to the execution?

Nice. I've recently gotten into doing magic after having to learn a trick to play a pederast magician in a play (…, and it's been lots of fun, although I've discovered I can't manipulate cards for shit. I now can do the Chinese linking rings, the professor's nightmare and a vanishing

"How long's he been staring at that bedding set?"
"Two days. Occasionally he smiles, then either cries or laughs and tries to touch something that isn't there. The staff are getting really freaked out."

Well, quite. This is a basic point that, like many other basic points, neo-nazis seem to have a particularly hard time grasping.

As long as I get the theme tune to Thunderbirds as my coffin slides along the conveyor into the incinerator, I'm good to go.

Shopping sounds terrifying (or expensive). Music, dancing and abstract art ftw.

When was the damn statue actually erected? Because my general understanding is that most of these were erected in the '50s as a big fuck-you to civil rights, rather than in the immediate aftermath of the war.

My favourite kids books that I still happily read:

So, Rick taking the last fragment of science-rock - dick-move or secret-santa?

LSD is a terrible drug for looking at anything screen-based IMHO, but real life is awesome.