Penis Van Lesbian

One feral and all for one.

I'm stupid, but it's (really, really) hot here at the moment. Okay, but the issue isn't the open relationship, but the cucking. I mean, I'm in an open relationship, but I'd be pretty pissed if my wife's BF started texting me stuff (that said, I do have to arrange their Airbnb, since otherwise my wife might click on

The CUCK thing did seem extreme (unlike Dan's response). However, she seems okay with the husband having sex with this guy; she just doesn't need or want a blow-by-blow commentary (heh).

Don't judge me.

We watched one of these the other day, and were mostly in giggles. I vaguely assumed the doll looked like something you might initially want in your house without you being a serial killer. Nope. It was the doll from hell right from the start.

I'm an atheist who thinks ghosts are bullshit, except for one house in the south of France, which I would never spend another night in if you paid me.

"Deduct this."

Ms Lollipop and her tiger or gtfo.

"the masculine bron"?

Okay, so my question is, what bit of cinema technology was invented prior to the trend that made the filming easy and affordable? The steadicam was at least as early as '76 (iirc it was used in the first Rocky film), but I'm not sure that that's the specific bit of equipment they'd have been using for this.

I like eating conejo. I like eating rabbit too.

Seriously? That's made my day.

That sounds right. I remember reading an article by a linguist where she said the problem with esperanto is that you end up with everyone thinking "breakfast" means the same thing to every one.

It seems to be a view held by a not small number of feminist commentators. I dunno - I've got no dog in this race, but whenever I've watched it (my daughter's a fan), I'm always left thinking "well, that was depressing."

I get that, but do you see much evidence on Ru Paul of anything other than bitchery and narcissism?

*shrug* A google for "is drag misogynistic" mostly points to progressive, feminist/general articles that argue 'yeah, kinda'. Hence my confusion - agree or disagree, it's a reasonable argument to make, so I don't understand the hostility that it sometimes provokes.

I'm not a fan. It's an ugly word.

I remain ambivalent - yay to an oasis, but boo to parodying women as make-up obsessed bitches.

I read one book that talked about roman sexual behaviour ("Holy Sh*t" by Mohr), and it's really hard to map it to the modern day. Suffice to say, they had as many taboos and prejudices as we do; they just weren't the same ones.

I'm Mr Magic!