Penis Van Lesbian

I'm trying to remember - how did Night Owl pay for his cool stuff?

Well, that's very sad.


If it was anything like the PS game, it always felt like I was racing through cityscapes painted by De Chirico, and it was really fucking hard.

I know. The potential number of deaths is currently horrifying the shit out of me.

To avoid accusations of cultural appropriation?

I used to like it, but watching it now is like chewing old gum.

Fun, innit?

Black pudding, yes, but fuck baked beans. Those bastards get everywhere (and, no, I don't want them in a sodding ramekin).

I'm not sure why it surprised anyone. However most politicians and political commentators refuse to acknowledge that left/right may well have become less important than inside/outside. Syriza, Brexit, Trump, this election result - they all make much more sense as a cry of disgust with the establishment rather than

I don't think we find them funny. It's more like baked beans with a fry-up. We don't actually like them, but we'd be disappointed if they weren't there.

I didn't mind that, but it was a mess to read, and it took me several goes to join all the dots.

Only the ones near the sea.

What exactly stops a Lord Buckethead standing in the US?

Black guy mentions fiancee whilst wearing red shirt. He's definitely fucked.

I enjoyed it - a straight-forward adventure, and I liked the way the Ice-Warrior's guns turned people into beach balls.

When it comes to performing rights, those Muppets play hardball.

Trump = Richard III or GTFO.

Looks really, really nice. If I have a worry, it's that they might end up making the Wakandan culture and speech overly-precious, and we end up with the modern equivalent of a golden-age biblical epic.

Nah. I mean the analogy, as you point out breaks down on many levels, but the parallels are there​ as well. It just depends on which eye you squint through.