Penis Van Lesbian

Just about sums it up for me.

Yep - looks like they're going with the DUP.

I sort of picture it as a Watership Down moment - "What, we ate all of them? Oh, c'mon guys, I mean 'e' for enthusiasm, but this is a serious fuck up."

I think you're missing the point. Apart from anything else, this ends the civil war within the Labour party, and a collapse on the scale that the Tories have seen (and no overall majority) counts as a 'win' in my book.

Did it all look very messy to you? I got the impression that half the graphics had failed (particularly for the counts that we taking place on the main screen - most of the time you had to strain to hear the returning officer, because there was no display verifying the numbers).

Sort-of. She (or Labour) can try and form an official coalition, or she can stagger on as the largest party but in a minority government. Both involve horse-trading, but the latter is more chaotic and tends to result in another election in the not too distant future (groan).

I think what happened was that the Scots rejected another independence referendum, hence the collapse of the SNP, but the SNP still managed to split the potential Labour vote, so the Tories won seats by default.

I wondered the same. I mean, there are a lot of people in this country who failed to win a seat in parliament - are they all going to get a shot?

It's been a hell of night here. Very hungover, very exhausted and very, very happy.

I'd tell my friends, but I have a poor mammary.

WTF? In the UK, the only restriction is that you must carry them down the escalator to prevent them hurting their paws. If they're too big and there's no lift or stairs, then you can ask staff to stop the escalator, but they will ask you to wait during peak times.

Of these, I've only seen The Mummy 1&2, but, fuck it, I like 2. I even liked the kid iirc.

Heh - that's him. And you are probably the only American in existence with a copy of "Nuts".


sotto voice: and you don't actually have to give it…

Yeah, that shit'll fuck you up.

True story - my dad did a duet with Van!

