Penis Van Lesbian

No, I'd agree. It's faults are not that it isn't Citizen Kane; it's faults are the faults that only action films have (but don't have to).

A debate neither I nor my son can settle: "Hurt" - Cash or NiN?

Was Snyder directing?

That really isn't true. I mean, I'm British, so sure we're really, really ghastly and I do apologise and, gosh, isn't the weather terrible today, but the US is currently taking batshit to a whole other level. It's sort of impressive.

Well, barring a (tory) miracle, she's toast anyway. Unfortunately, we'll most likely be left with a tory majority. The good news is that Corbyn has forced the tories to move a little to the left, I suppose.

I'm not so sure. There'll be a few fringe loonies who will hang on whatever, but for the rest of his base, for each of them there's a tipping point, and when they turn, it'll be vicious.

Jesus. WTF was that where she just went up and shoved a pipe through that guy's throat?

Hot take, no it doesn't. I really feel the cross-brand marketing was way out on this one.

The feral kid's narration in MM2 is a thing of beauty and wonder. It carries so much of the heavy lifting of establishing a myth with elegance and poetry.

I like to think he's our contribution towards making America not feel so bad about Trump.

"everything sucks, including me, but I know it so I'm cool."

Ooo! What's he done now?

So, your cynicism is a form of prevarication that enables you to avoid having any other response to an event?

I didn't mind it, but it was a wasted opportunity. Two things - what was the point of a fake regeneration, given Bill barely knew that element of the doctor existed, and had certainly never seen one.

Not even in a Trump tweet?

Blimey. Judging from those trailers, the promo campaign isn't the only questionable thing about this film.

They want us to make fun of their children?

Define one-by-one. I mean, basically, unless you're a suicide bomber, it's always one-by-one.

I say kill them all and let God sort it out.
