Penis Van Lesbian

The Witcher 3. I seem to be nervous about plunging into it, mainly because I understand that the choices I make will have lasting consequences, and I fucking dread that. Still, I've caught the bug for another big, wide, wandering world from "Horizon: Zero Consequences To Any Choice You Make", so I'm stuck with it…

I don't know what they'll do in the US, but a line is being cut when Dr Who broadcasts over here that referred to terrorists.

I don't give a shit about the handshake clip, but the shoving one is hysterical. Look at him go!

Oh good, I can relax…

I can't be bothered to read about this shit, but, really?

Religious person knocks culture of death. LOL.

I was 14 and in the UK. My earliest memory is of a BBC item, which mostly consisted of quick vox-pop interviews with US fans who had already seen it ten times or more, plus a few shots from the film. It was at the tail-end of the early evening news, and I only caught a glimpse, but I watched, probably for the first

Fuck, yeah.

I think it means that she has to ask permission even in a public space, so, presumably, a snapshot in Times Square would be prohibited for her. Brandon's covered the other point.

If she was half her current age, I might be a little more understanding, but that is epic levels of callous, entitled, stupidity.

In the UK, iirc, we have civil assault (an attack but no bruising or cuts), and criminal assault (bruising and/or cuts). "Civil? There was nothing civil about it."

Wow. They're going to some really weird places trying to justify this shit.

Rather you than me.

I dunno - swords have a lot of phallic connotations - a 'swordsman' used to mean a serial philanderer, and I'm fairly sure Shakespeare uses them as a metaphor at least once.

I could be wrong, but I think I read that it's doing quite good business in the UK.

So, you leak our intel and beat up our reporters. This relationship really is 'special'.

Probably just as well - I think that and the n-word are the only two things Disqus flags by default.

Or the White House, apparently.

But you can make one president?

I was kind of thrown by the "see how closely it adheres" in the review, and I've now got an image stuck in my head of the series basically being an anime version of an indifferent run-though.