Penis Van Lesbian

I don't think it would have been seen as uncaring - more as an act of defiance - but, yes, the PTSD is a definite issue (as noted above).

Fuck, that's terrible. I thought that Rogue One effort was the most inexplicably clumsy big-release poster*, but this takes the biscuit. Can we just pause for a moment to reflect on the PR budget for these kind of movies?

I never imagined myself saying this about Ariana Grande, and I realise this must be deeply traumatic for her, but I kind of wish she'd gone ahead with the full tour.

Yeah - it's the Flash Gordon of the '90s.

<quote>Fifth Element is a great little movie</quote>

I just felt it rather undercut the efforts and sacrifices of the others.

"Yes, we're promoting this as from the creator of 'Lucy'. Deal with it, motherfuckers."

Yeah, it was a lot of fun. If I have a complaint it would be that I'd have preferred it if a non-immortal had defeated them.

I'm in two minds about the suit thing. I'm vaguely hoping that, when Stark offers him the suit back at the end of the film, Parker turns it down. "Nah - I can manage without, and I'm not really happy with you having that much control over me. Soz."

Why can't more Republicans be like McCain? I mean, sure, I don't agree with him, but at least he's in the same ball-park as the rest of us.

I'm curious. A sword seems rather a phallic object for WW, and the WW I know never had one. Is a sword now cannon in the comics? Is the dissonance acknowledged?

Top tip, in any history essay, the phrase "it was a turbulent time in Italian politics" can always be safely inserted.

"So, what first attracted you to the billionaire Donald Trump?"

It's a shame, really. The first film was lots of harmless fun. Like Shrek, it really should have stopped there, and left us with some fond, inconsequential memories.

Some of them. Unfortunately, fucking up everyone's day is a lot easier than the reverse.

Not in my book.

Hmm, well, I think we'll have to agree to disagree. All the best.

Am I right to wince whenever I see the word "problematic"?

Well, I was more thinking of the principle that you don't get to make up a new law on the spot just because you can't convict the scumbag in front of you under an existing law.

They're really not. They're shaky and often compromised, but they're not bullshit. Our legal systems are proof of that. Our support of free speech - even when we don't like what is being said - is proof of that. Do we fuck-up? Of course, but are you saying that we should just give up, and settle for being the worst we