Penis Van Lesbian

What about Sean Connory in You Only Live Twice?

I've been watching that movie for the last 30 minutes.

I think, if you want to keep up to date with breaking news, there are probably more appropriate websites.

Deontology doesn't rule out violence - I'm not, for example, a pacifist - it just says you don't get to make the rules up as you go along if you want to lead an ethical life.

So, you think punching people you don't agree with is right? Or you think that anything an ancestor did is still permissible?

To me? No.

I have no idea what that means (well, apart from the 'shut up' bit).

Well, shit. Roger Moore's dead.

She's history's greatest monster.

Well, quite.

Because we are far too willing to believe that our personal beliefs justify violence to those who do not share them. If progressives can convince themselves that punching people in the street is a legitimate act, the fact that an actual death cult can inspire people to do this shit shouldn't really surprise us.

Wasn't that the very late sequel from just a couple of years back? In which case, no, because I've never seen that one.

Daniel Dennett suggests that if a lion was capable of introspection and speech, it still couldn't tell you what it's like to be a lion, since it wouldn't be a lion anymore. I feel the same way about Trump, and I don't feel that way about right-wingers in general. I mean, people can hold abhorrent ideas, but I wouldn't

I'm not talking about compromise*; I'm talking about communication. To a certain extent, your conflation is the point I'm trying to make.

He was good, hence the 'half-way through'… ;)

Pretty much. It hit the total toilet about half-way through, but it suffered from the compromises discussed in this thread pretty much from the get-go.

Well, in fairness, we were pretty mean about that cvnt.

So, one member of a crazy cult has other members of the same crazy cult do stupid stuff. It's not "essential slave labour"; it's just a bunch of idiots.

A lunatic, arguably, but, unless shitheel = famous scientologist, I'm not sure he's done anything terrible.

(shrug) Most people find him ridiculous but not objectionable.