Penis Van Lesbian

Fuck him, but, counter-point, the echo-chamber is alive and well on all sides, not just the right. We've really got to start being able to talk to each other.

There were a few more instances as well*. But, yeah, everyone seemed so excited to have a black protagonist that they mistook a few purely symbolic gestures as social commentary. Oh, look! That hoodie is just like Trayvon Martin's!

I've never really liked the short story it's based on, which seemed oblique to the point of non-existence, but this looks intriguing.

"I get the no pork thing, but why no bacon?"

Heh - I assumed you were just fucking with me (hell, I even gave you an upvote). Apologies for being unintentionally rude.

Okay - just realised there's a Run the Series on it (which has sucked me into a whole slew of articles - I'm not sure I've even noticed half of the entries).

Never forget…

Ha fucking ha…

I've never seen any of these - are there any I should skip?

Awww. I like The Mummy Returns. And, yes, I know sunrises don't fucking work like that.

The thing is, I don't see the point of giving the aliens an 'origin' other than evolution, or changing the implication that the space-jockey was anything other than an unlucky victim.

I knew nothing going into this episode, and consequently I seemed to enjoy it a lot more than the reviewer. Omundson, who I'm not sure I've ever seen before, really did a fantastic job of seeming to be both a genuine and likeable all-powerful being. Not, needless to say, that I thought he actually was God, and the

I know it's wrong of me, but I always think slightly less of people who like it.

Yes. Yes it was. I have rarely hated a book with such passion.

The whole Maze/Chloe marriage was a joy, if only for Chloe's expression basically saying "fuck it, what the hell" through the whole thing.

To my shame, I had to check that reference.

The only way to win is not to take part.

Even Hyperion, iirc, has a major Islamic character (who is, I think, a Major)… which is kind of odd given how manically islamophobic Simmons went on to become.

I think Trump counts. I mean, it's more of a Gaspar Noé movie from a script by Alfred Jarry, rather than 'entertainment', but it still counts.

The second time I'm posting this link, but you fuckers keep bringing up Star Wars.