Penis Van Lesbian

I'm not sure what he's apologising for.

Well, it does in the UK (and I assume everywhere - a problem partly exacerbated by ethnic and cultural factors), but we have a good tissue typing match service, and, if you're young, then two or three transplants (in the event of failure) aren't unknown. How national is tissue typing for transplant in the US?

That's rather what I've always assumed - was that confirmed?

I work in renal (kidneys) IT in the UK (so I can't see this video), and we come across a fair bit of either US software or US requirements. The weirdest thing from a UK perspective, is how little attention there is to kidney transplants - just endless, endless dialysis, and generally, it seemed, haemodialysis rather

Currently reading Yanis Varoufakis' account of the Syrizia/Greek negotiations with the EU and IMF, "Adult in the Room". It's a fascinating account, and really does make you wonder how the fuck the EU is going to ever meaningfully reform. However, Yanis seems to make some incomprehensible choices, and I think the

I finished HZD over the w/e, and as much as I enjoyed it (even the end game, where I was ridiculously over-powered), the idea of taking its childish subtext seriously strikes me as absurd. I largely enjoyed this game because of the lack of complexity or conflict in the choices you get to make (which, afaict, boiled

I don't normally get on a high-horse about this, but the misogyny left an unpleasant taste. I kept thinking, "when are they going to address his shitty behaviour to the g/f?" and was sincerely stunned when it didn't happen.

Cometh the hour…

I'm perplexed - how big is an elephant's vagina? Could two men fit into it? How does this scene play out? POV or just external shots with muffled voices? I'm almost intrigued enough to try and track the scene down (although 30 minutes of it might get a little wearying).

I get it - this guy is a POS - but those advocating random violence against him really need to look in the mirror. Just egg him or throw pink powder paint on him or something.

It'll never take off.

You're asking diddy do it?

I like the hippo story. Also, it reminded me of this (1:00 - 3:20 for the relevant bit):

But the dead otter, coming from the outside, clinches the deal.

Having just arrived from Savage Love, that 'DTFA' threw me for a moment.

You're not alone. Sprawling, messy maps which felt underpopulated, and I missed the pub.

I should add that the most bizarre thing about this is that it's absolutely true.

Well, Shakespeare did, but it wasn't one of his best. More of a stage direction really.