Penis Van Lesbian

Oh, I'm all for talking - it's just "please miss/sir, can you sign this permission slip" doesn't really work for me outside of some very kinky scenarios. That's not to say it's not necessary for certain practices - I'm just surprised a little finger/butthole action is considered one of them. I mean, I'm not suggesting

I dunno - that seems more like comparing a French kiss to oral to me. Anyway, at my age (and generally low libido), it's probably not an issue. Your buttholes are safe!

Well, I'm not suggesting barreling in there on a first date, and full anal obviously requires some discussion (never tried it myself - phimosis), I'm just surprised that, assuming all else is going okay, this specific act needs consent.

Well, assuming you've had intercourse and oral, It just seems like swallowing a camel and balking at a gnat.

Do we get to vote on this? I mean, isn't it covered in the general disclaimer on date #2 of "if I do anything you don't like, just let me know"?

LC is going to disappoint the fuck out of you. I'd also say it was, in the end, extremely cowardly in its handling of black issues.

No shit, Sherlock.

Well, don't I feel stupid. Why did I think he was Hindu? (must have been something in the trailer, since I've never heard of him before).

Ten year old you would have probably been pretty disappointed. It really isn't what you imagine (unless you were a really boring 10 year old).

DDS2 is worth watching for Bethnel's (sp?) Punisher, but all the Hand/Elektra stuff is pretty meh. Luke Cage starts well, but I'd suggest bailing after episode 7 (the one where Cottonmouth is killed).

Do you really need specific consent to stick a finger up a butthole? In an actual relationship with fucking and sucking and so on?

The dad seems too educated and metropolitan to get Hindus and Muslims mixed up, but maybe I'm just being naive.

(looks at pitch deck) Yep, just the right amount and right sort of black.

One of my favourite politicians - not that that's saying much… :(

I loved that movie!

Wonder Woman could easily fall into this trap. Good job the DC movies have such a strong reputation for not fucking up.

If someone trespasses in your kitchen, you eat them?

I think what's interesting about SF is that it allows the trope to be fully realised in its ideal form.

Looks like one of the Chuckle Brothers, and I fucking hate them.

An SF book called "All the Way Home".