Penis Van Lesbian

Misogyny, or at least the patriarchy, is the norm for most societies, and that's weird but shouldn't be denied. The majority of us are trying to be good - it's just really fucking hard when goodness basically means whatever we think it means. Okay, climate-change denier is just stupid (in the sense that gravity-denier

And the stretching thing feels pretty bad-ass.

The second paragraph, particularly the 'weird' thing, makes sense (and could easily be missed in a study - "oh, he's got a pre-existing injury - we're not looking at that").

Someone told me recently, and they seemed a credible source, that there is no evidence that warming up helps prevent injuries. Anyone?

I had to look that up to check you weren't joking. Wow.

With that smile hanging on by its fingernails.

I like the last one with the woman's expression basically saying "I can't be certain, but I'm pretty sure that's as racist as fuck".

Roasted in duck fat or gtfo.

Every time I bitch about people randomly punching nazis, I get called one, which would be kind of funny if it wasn't so sad.

Well, quite. When did this thing happen where we only defend things we specifically like, rather than defending principles? It's a terrible, terrible plan.

Well, at least the dinosaurs didn't escape.

I've always loved it that a character wields a Schadenfreude .45 in Reeves' Mortal Engines Quartet.

But what if there was only one of them?

Out of curiosity, is there an agreed protocol for how you refer to a transgender person's sex when talking about something that happened prior to crossing over? With the gender they had at the time, or the gender they have now?

The opening paragraph seems nonsensical. The show didn't have to be political; it chose to be. And why the fuck not?

The original PoP? The whole movement mechanic was demanding but not sluggish or unfair imho. It never felt like an unnecessary or accidental obstacle, or interrupted the flow.

I guess my problem with that argument is that it comes down in the end to "well, you can't criticise/defend X because if you do you're playing into the prejudice Y". I mean, I get it. Tackling direct prejudice seems to take precedence over sophistry, but it's a dangerous argument if taken too far.

Heah - fair enough. I've always liked Raime for describing the tree-rape in The Evil Dead as "unnecessarily gratuitous".

No diss, but it's an easy list. I think I've got two to watch.