Penis Van Lesbian

It was probably the first one I saw when it came out, so my affection may be misplaced. That era was probably the last time that the US could be shown as an exotic locale, so I suspect it plays better outside the US. For people in the US, it must be like watching a Bond film set in Huddersfield.

Live and Let Die, plus the Spy Who Loved Me, but that hardly beats SC's run (Dr No, From Russia, Goldfinger, You Only Live Twice, Diamonds).

The foley-thing is basically such a non-story that I found it hard to take the rest seriously. IIRC one of the post-show documentaries to one of the big Attenborough's even included a candid interview with a foley artist, and showed what they did and how.

In hindsight, everything pointed to a Clinton loss. She was a status-quo candidate in an anti-establishment year. Her dysfunctional cadre of D.C.’s most insufferable wonks could not stop squabbling long enough to convince Americans that she deserved their votes. And so an opening was provided for the dumbest, fattest,

I have to say, from an outsider's perspective, and judging from the comments below, a lot of democrats are still in the denial and anger stage.

Keep this quiet, but there isn't any god, so this jealous god is just humans projecting nonsensical bullshit onto an uncaring universe. The number of contradictions required to hold onto any firm belief, let alone a religious one, are not even worth thinking about (well, they are worth thinking about, just not worth

'False' gods.

Give 'Sapiens' by Harari a read. He covers a lot of the same ground.

My thought as well. Fuck, this sounds amazing.

Regarding the racism, iirc it was a confusing time, with a certain amount of debate as to whether it was more racist to refuse to cast black people as villains or not ('97's The Deep triggered the same debate iirc). Black culture and white people's relationship to both the culture and black people in general was also

Wow, I vaguely recall reading this at the time (age 13?). There was a pretty awesome set photo of Moore relaxing with a drink whilst a huge explosion took place in the background (the big boat one on the bayou?)

It's what he would have wanted.


As if he had been poured
in tar, he lies
on a pillow of turf
and seems to weep

the black river of himself.
The grain of his wrists
is like bog oak,
the ball of his heel

like a basalt egg.
His instep has shrunk
cold as a swan's foot
or a wet swamp root.

His hips are the ridge
and purse of a mussel,

In any event, "Horizon: Men Suck" would have been more descriptive and helpful. I'm now honestly struggling to remember what it actually is - something with 'Zero' in it?

The idea of Jones crying because a lawyer is being mean to him may not seem especially funny

I just assumed they were Welsh.

Playing "Horizon: Unnecessary Colon", which I think I'm enjoying. I don't normally like open world games, but the low stakes to the choices I make and the lack of beating up hookers make it a much better fit for my temperament.

Warm pitta and taramosalata.

How the fuck would he know?

The stolen is a lie.