Penis Van Lesbian

I did get confused about what city I was in the other day, but in fairness it was Amsterdam. I then found my wife and her cousin stuck in a corner of a supermarket unable to work out how to reverse a shopping trolley.

Given how the movie business works, it seems remarkable that anything of genuine merit is ever made at all.

Your friend would struggle in the Dordogne as well. As someone else said, in some countries and locations you either have to put that shit away or choose a different holiday destination.

My daughter plays it continually in the house. It's… distracting.

I think someone mentioned elsewhere that there is form for baby TARDII leaving scorch marks, so maybe?

Doctor goes off somewhere, Nardo comes in, sees rug, thinks "Oh, lovely. I'll put that out somewhere nice. He'll like that. Although of course he won't say anything; he never does."

Did we ever know where their TARDIS came from? And was the origin of the baby-TARDIS in The Lodger ever properly explained?

Not a spoiler, just a guess, but I think the baddie was a leak from a TARDIS. Changes shape, travels in time and space, and wants a pilot and companion.

Started watching it a few minutes after posting - they made the same joke! (sort of)

Ah, I'm in a muddle with my mediocre but seminal Doug McClure's. Looking at the synopsis for WLOA and ATEC, I've combined them into a single film.

I've never watched MST, but I grew up loving a couple of films in the current playlist*, so colour me intrigued.

After the mediocre (imho) amy and the frankly appalling Clara, she was a real shot in the arm. And I'd be willing to put good money on my theory turning out to be correct. It fits too many abilities and characteristics to be a complete coincidence. chameleon, time and space, blast marks (a ship of some kind), seeking

Just watched Doctor Who - great fun.

They definitely got points for the saving people thing, and in the Iron Man/Hulk fight, it was gratifying that Stark was constantly prioritising on getting the Hulk away from people.

Well, it's got about 5 big fights, which is at least one too many, so, yes, that was definitely part of it. On the second viewing, I found I could enjoy the fights for what they are and ignore the bits that don't really work. Meanwhile, with time to breath, the sudden return/birth of Jarvis/Vision, makes much more

Well, if we're going to be ruled by corporate overlords, I suppose I'd rather it was corporations with a sense of humour. That aside, of the chains we had/have over here in the UK, they were the best, but seem to have all but disappeared. Now it's all MD and BK, plus various 'authentic' burger bars of varying degrees

It's okay - you lose the status for misspelling 'fourth'.

Avatar may be a terrible film, but it's a fantastic movie. I don't remember having a better* time in a cinema than watching that in IMAX 3D. The story is terrible and rightly gets a lot of knock, but you've only got to watch The Phantom Menace to realise that it works more effectively than you think. The over-arching

Not the original?

Transformers. Absolutely no contest.