Penis Van Lesbian

Well, that's one way to appreciate it.

Vaguely hoping the alligator didn't break the skin. iirc there's some nasty shit in their mouths.

I'm in the questionable position of having heard them before I knew anything about them, when 'Paris' was played pretty much every time during a recent commute. It earwormed in, and I'm afraid I just liked it - not loved it, but I always thought "oh, good, it's that song again".

"Given the current recession, we really ought to build a bear."
"I know, but we're broke."

"The walls fell…" or whatever.

Sex + food

As part of a consensual act with someone you deeply desire? Pretty amazing iirc. Oral sex is the best!

Points for the backdrop and straight faces, I suppose.

I always imagined that rather differently.

And meanwhile, the boss of Barclays has been caught trying to locate a whistle-blower, and it turns out (big surprise) that the Bank of England my have been complicit in the libor-fixing (and perfectly happy to see a low-rung commercial bank employee jailed for it).

Busy practicing conjuring tricks, since I will be playing a paedo magician in a play (am-dram). I'll have to busk the paedo-bit.

Holy Terror is revolting, but it's openly revolting. This guy is a hypocritical POS; FM is just a regular POS.

This is a bit of interesting comic news, but it seems to have slipped under the radar at the AVC.

I suspect that it was 'forgot' rather than 'ignored' (which really is not much of an improvement).

If you're saying that it's reasonable to hold a president to a higher standard than a TV presenter, then yes.

Genuine question - gallows humour vs wishing death on a stranger - are you sure you're on the right side of the argument?

"The The" is a band that could only have been named pre-internets. Still, a pretty good band.

Well, his blood's certainly running cold now.

I think it means "many might think that Centrefold was their only hit, but even if it was (which it wasn't), Geils still wouldn't qualify as a one-hit-wonder as we generally understand it, since he carried on working consistently."

I'd argue that he can be brilliant. Pet Sematary is pretty damn perfect imho.