Penis Van Lesbian

Hard to read this as a deliberate attempt to offend, but that doesn't stop it disqualifying him for any job more ethically demanding than making tea.

This looks fun, and I will watch it with that limit in mind.

Thinking about it, the fallout is going to be dramatic. It should just not be possible for a *** to serve anything but a fantastic meal. Will they accuse Rayner of being a philistine and/or a liar, or will they fall on their swords?

Heh - the last one is Jonathan Pie, so satire rather than a genuine freak-out.

Ahhh…. I read this at the W/E. Is there anything to get the blood racing faster than a front-page pull-quote from Rayner declaring it the worst experience he's ever had?

No. No it isn't.

Pizza Express or anything similar is my go-to (is that a New York pizza? Thin with a thin, narrow crust?). My only real hang-up is that I consider anchovy, caper, and olive the only pizza really worth eating.

I just love that shot of her toting the BFG.

But she's not just the face of death; she's the Goddess of Death. It's all so confusing. I don't know, I'm beginning to think the MCU, and Marvel itself, might not be wholly consistent.

Now, is she going to be the same Death that Thanos is in love with? I mean, why would the Norse manifestation of Death be the universal one? I probably shouldn't worry about it.

Just read the first volume - great stuff. I agree that the beginning wife/lover thing was a bit too clever for its own good, but it could have worked with some tighter writing*, or coming a little later once we were used to the core-concept. Still, a second read of the opening few pages set me straight.

Largely agree, but with a few exceptions. Of the ones I've read and recall, I'd nominate Pet Sematary, Thinner, Desperation, and Misery.

It's (iirc) a biblical quote but used in one of the songs in Hamilton, "One Last Time" (my favourite fwiw).

Heh - yeah. The US seems to be suffering one of its periodic bouts of madness.

Yep, rather my impression re Amsterdam.

Nothing much to report. I'm reading "Sapiens: A Brief History of Humankind" by Yuval Noah Harari - highly recommended - which in turn has prompted me to have another go at Civilisation V (I've never really got to grips with anything past III).

Wonderful! And nice to know about old ground spices being okay (except pepper, which should never be pre-ground anyway - got it). And, alright, I'll buy some MSG.

Could be worse. Heroes.

I consider letting kids blow their money on the rigged ones a valuable life-lesson.

There are enough dodgy parts to this film that I remember watching it and being really unsure whether the thing in front of me was as awesome as it felt (I overthink). Then B2 came out, and it is genuinely the better movie, so I've ended up rewatching that a few times and never gone back to B1.