Penis Van Lesbian

I don't even consider it a guilty pleasure - just full-on wonderful.

Good call on Alien Resurrection - it's fine, and certainly not the POS that its reputation would suggest.

I played the first one, finally beating the first boss (as sort of Horta?), only to discover that all I'd done was pretty much the tutorial, and then had a dragon kick my ass relentlessly for about two weeks before I finally gave up. I'm too old for this shit (but I do enjoy watching others play it).

Yes, but I hated Clara.

I know!

But if that was true, surely we'd be wrong?

Isn't he just begging the question? I mean, how could a good film be too long? If it was too long, then it wouldn't be a good film, surely?

Well, it raises the question…. *

Oh, god, yes. I don't think I'd dare make it - it might gain sentience and go on the rampage and destroy London or something.

I play a lot of crucible but absolutely nothing else, and the latest update significantly reduced the number of match-options available at any one time. Falling numbers?

God, yes. At this point, basically the only citation for the claim is an English tabloid afaik. It's really fake news.

Oh, please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please.


If Trump had written that article (which isn't bad, especially given its age), then Trump would be very different person.

The claims against Sean Penn are very dubious, and have been denied by everyone involved.


I dunno. It was 'offensive' rather than aggressive, and he wasn't unsupportive either. Plus I quite liked the joke that black people were pissed off that transexuals had jumped the integration queue.