Penis Van Lesbian

Hebephile rather than paedophile. I tend to have some sympathy towards paedophiles - they're fucked-up - but hebephiles are just really shitty people.

On the other hand, like Ruby, I also do not feel comfortable napping in front of white people.

I'm white, English and male, so a lot of the nuance of this issue is lost on me, but I did follow a link posted by a black female friend on FB to an article that, frankly, confused the fuck out of me.

I must admit I do find this modern puritanism very wearying. Historically speaking, if you're going to bitch about Affleck, then I'd hazard a guess that roughly 20% of artists are technically off-limits.

The other thing with the Affleck stuff is that, afaict, it all took place during the making of "I'm Still Here", which, also afaict, was an immersive and intense process (whether it was a worthwhile process is another matter). I'm not trying to absolve him, but, given he's not the POTUS, I'm sighing disappointedly


Grow up.

The second half of LC was abysmal, but IF was boring and perplexing for its entire run, with occasional dips into the terrible. Admittedly, it was blandly terrible rather than the full in-your-face terrible of LC's second half, but that just makes it even worse.

One of my all-time top-ten films. My one 'complaint' is that I would love to see versions from alternate universes with a different lead. I want one with Steve Martin and one with Robert Downey.

"Who taught you math?"

While Iron Fist may not have surpassed the lows of its sister series…

Heh - I meant the film (rather than either of the leads). Also, a vague comment on Besson's films.

Sure is purdy

I've never seen this, but I've been bumping into a few clips that make me intrigued to see it. It sounds like that might be the right choice.

Well, that looks kind of wonderful.

I think he wrote a short sequel to Salem's Lot as well that's pretty great. It's in the same book as Jerusalem's Lot iirc.

I don't mind the group-sex - I mean, it's weird, but I don't mind it, and I get what King was going for. However, it's got one of the weakest endings of any King (and he sucks at endings).

Is it definitely finished? A lot of these trailers still have a fair amount of post to do (or so I'm told).

That is some terrible, terrible writing.

As always, it’s hard to tell if the “kill Bakuto plan” is Danny being naïve or the show being poorly written.