Penis Van Lesbian

Linux, Apache, MySQL, Perl? Me too!

That whole scene was so stupid. "Oh, you're not meant to be here and you want dangerous drugs - sure, I'll help you for absolutely no reason."

Note: Power Rangers producer Haim Saban is also the chairman of Saban Capital Owner, which is a part owner of Univision Communications, the parent company of Fusion Media Group, which owns The A.V. Club.

Are we sure this isn't an advert for some kind of high-end bluetooth speaker-set?

The Red Bee ftw.

Well, obviously it's subjective; I'm just having trouble understanding it. I mean, I guess someone could subjectively enjoy a shit sandwich, but I'd still be stunned.

Wow. The reviewer is very kind to this show. And some of the commentators… Are you all insane? Seriously, on what level is this show tolerable?

Let's be frank - it was a cowardly show with a paper-thin coating of references to genuine issues. Marie Antoinette's farm was a more honest exercise.

I did a touring play in Malasia once. They're pretty weird about everything. The play was called "The Reluctant Debutante" by William Douglas-Hume, and it was pretty much what you'd expect from a play with that title and with a playwright with that name. Nevertheless, we had to perform it in front of a bunch of…

Got it! I'll reply there, but just to say that I agree with your observations about the weak spots - they all relate to bits that have see-sawed in terms of explicit/implied when I was writing it, so you've very much targeted the areas that have given me most grief.

I know I've strongly objected in the past, but it's now okay to punch neo-nazis.

All American black people are famous. At least, all the ones I've ever heard of are.

Haven't you watched Luke Cage? Cops are devastated when they get it wrong, suspend everyone in sight who had any involvement, and always launch huge enquiries.

Even that may be going to far.

Penis van Lesbian? ;) Nah, but you can probably find me under "Tom Melly"

Shrug. I rarely see all the men's cubicles being used (shitting in a public toilet is pretty much a last resort for me and, I'd guess, most people), but judging by the queues, women could really do with even more real-estate on the cubicle front.

1. Not bad. I'm writing and acting (both at the amateur level), which I find good therapy for my depression. On the other hand, I'm still smoking, which isn't, as I fucking hate it, and I hate myself for not giving up.

No Elmo doing Pulp Fiction? Penis is sad.

I liked that one. He landed the ending, unlike "Look, a Scary Clown! Let's fuck!"

Mr Noodle!