Penis Van Lesbian

Thanks! Yes, I'm not entirely sure about the ending either - or at least the phrasing of it - but everytime I try to punch it up, it looks inelegant. Still, I largely succeeded in one of my aims, which was to ask "what if the price was high but reasonable?"

That's it!

I was thinking of something with a cheesy, pulp hero, and some laughably (and deliberately) bad sfx. It may even have been that you were actually just shooting scenes and episodes from a Flash Gordon-like serial.

Hasn't that been done? I'm sure there was a game from a couple of years back that played with that esthetic. To the Google!

I recently wrote a short-story about bringing someone back from the dead, although the price was subtler. I've now written a fair few things now, and when I come across something tackling the same themes or ideas, there's always a mix of nervousness in case I've inadvertently plagiarised, as well as a second-hand

Yeah, this episode was pretty good. Not great, but it gave me hope before cruelly snatching it away over subsequent episodes.

A kindred soul…

Okay, I'll give the last two episodes a try (assuming a two-part finale?), which I was probably going to do anyway. Hell, I stuck Luke Cage out until the end, and that really wasn't much better. Even Colter was getting on my tits by the end of that fiasco.

He was pretty great, all things considered, but D'Onofrio and Bernthal FTW.

I thought the monkeys crack was both deliberate and quite funny (Danny would have meant it quite literally), but they could have sold it more with some really pissed-off looks from the pupils.

But I've got Designated Survivor for that.

Is there any point in me watching any more of this stupid, stupid, show? I'm about 8 episodes in, and not one writer, character, director, or actor seems to be capable of making any choice that isn't either illogical, stupid, or both. And the Hand are coming across as an organisation the A-Team might take down on a

Went and saw Logan. I think my expectations were too high, but, whilst I enjoyed it, it wasn't the transcendental superhero movie I was expecting from all the praise.

Glad to hear it gets better. I didn't mind episode 1 so much, but 2 and 3 bored me shitless (a whole episode in a psych ward - really?).

Yeah - I know I'm going to enjoy it once I give it a chance, but sometimes you just want McDonalds…

Finally beat Doom 2016 - I'd been stuck on the last boss for over two weeks. Not sure what to play next - The Last Guardian's kicking around, but it's not really calling to me at the moment. I guess it's time to browse my son's PSN stuff - is the first Styx any good?

To my shame, "Lamplight" by David Essex.

Well, their sense of smell is better than ours, but not comparable to a dogs. Cats rely on vision and hearing to hunt.

Point of order.

Oh, I have no doubt that Bernie (or Warren?) could have won. Really, my criticism is for people like Clinton. She relied on not being Republican plus some flag-waving for the progressives, and a huge dose of condescension for everyone else.