Tom, A Hawk

No, you usually hit runways with guided ordinance designed to penetrate down to the concrete slabs beneath the top coat of asphalt which is far more difficult and time-consuming to fix. The Tomahawk cruise missile isn’t designed for that sort of application.

It is quite telling that your description of the passenger’s actions is “violently resisting”.

If you don’t like the rules of flight, don’t fly or alternatively, run for congress and pass a bill that doesn’t allow air carriers to bump passengers.

It’s interesting how you define “violence” as getting the shit beat out of you by not moving fast enough. According to other reports, he already said he needed to get home to treat patients, and was on the phone to his lawyer — you can see the phone still in his hand as his unconscious body was being dragged away, by

There’s no way you actually believe those rent a cops and the airline acted even ok. Stop trolling. Unless you side with Stern and Goodell is sports labor disputes too. Would be more understandable then.

Never been a big fan of Sergio’s but I can’t remember the last time I was this happy for a major winner. He deserved it.

This is why we watch sports, the only reality television. Real excitement and emotion as Rose and Garcia dueled it out, back and forth. I’ve been watching majors since 1956 and this was as much fun as any I’ve seen.

I’m no golf fan. But I am a drunk who spends most Sundays hungover on the couch. And THAT was a fucking awesome round of golf. Congrats to Sergio and Justin Rose.

Well, now we’ve had GS blow a 3-1 lead, Cubs win the WS, Trump lose the popular vote, Falcons steal defeat from the jaws of victory and finally, a Sergio Garcia major win.

No mention of the eagle putt on 15, Burke?

I’m sure I’m not the only one... used to hate the guy. But couldn’t be happier for the guy today. Good for you Sergio.

He was clean-shaven before the game started.

Can you imagine the kind of pain that not even jetting off to Paris at a moments notice can solve???

“The world sees her as this glamorous, sophisticated, jet-setting woman,

I imagine that when you belong to the kind of shallow, narcissistic world that the Kardashian clan has built for themselves then the smallest bit of criticism must be really hard to take.

I worked at a christian college years ago. Most people made minimum wage. We worked for the “online” department, which was a fledgling department, but it was growing by leaps and bounds, due to the hard work of us employees. 20%+ growth and profit per year. However, no one ever got a raise. We brought it up with our

“Separation of church and state” in this country is unbelievably twisted. Their tax exemption must be removed, it would add a desperately-needed $80B a year to the government coffers, and religious exemption from following the f*@&#)! laws that apply EVERYWHERE ELSE in the country also needs to go. All religions are

“Be excellent to each other”

“Jesus liked poor people, assholes.” 

isnt organized religion based on the few telling the many what to do? this seems pretty on-brand to me.