Tom, A Hawk

After the gas attack someone I know shared a video on Facebook with graphic footage of people dying and struggling to breathe. One of his Trump-loving friends wrote a comment along the lines of “why should we care, these people have always been killing each other and always will.” Fast forward 12 hours and Trump’s

If you click the trump thing and read the stuff people tweet at him, it’s pretty hilarious.

But not enough to you know, let those Syrian children come to the United States to escape chemical warfare.

If he had any real insight into drafting a good quarterback, he would’nt be writing for Bill Simmons’ sinecure. . . .

It’s not really clear that Bannon has lost any functional power. He can still sit in on NSC meetings. He’s got the Strategic Initiatives Group which is like a counter-NSC except without any of the pesky adults and their rules. He’s still got a direct line to Trump and his “camp” in their palace intrigue seems to be

“crosses many lines, beyond a red line, many many lines, they almost crossed the plaid line, which is many many many lines past the red line. Also let’s not forget her emails.”

I think it’s just the color coding that is throwing me off

What’s so hard to understand? The line is here, gassing children crosses this line, and then goes over that line there and the one after that. Duh.

exact same reaction

Shut up dude you will wake up the baby and your wife will have to kill you.

Nice to see that Rachel Dolezal has landed on her feet.

On a post telling everyone to speak up against things they don’t like, you post to be quiet and ignore things that we don’t like. Ohh the irony.

Nah, you’re right on the money dude. It’s not that plenty of women don’t work, but I support a family of four on my income alone (about to be five come July), and as disgusted as I am with the current state of things, I simply don’t have the time to take out of my day to call my Senators and Representatives who

Another point to be mentioned is that sometimes you can’t look at men and women as individuals on some table. My wife and I have been married for 37 years. Very early on we figured out certain ways our marriage was going to go. I was working a well paying job that, while I liked it, required a lot of hours, overtime

Is it possible to subscribe to afiltered lifehacker RSS feed without having to read posts like this?

Well, you totally won me over. I guess I’ll start supporting you now.

Well, it sure as hell worked when it came to that stupid and horrible Trumpcare bill. You know those dumbasses in Congress would’ve passed that bill if there hadn’t been a massive public backlash to it. Congressional reps did change their votes as a result.

For the last 10 weeks or so, I have been calling my congressman’s office several times a week. My husband doesn’t call but hears my calls and then tells me what I should have said.

Regarding sharing opinions on social media.

I’m an LC in a House office on the hill which means, in part, I deal with the office mail and phone calls we get.