Tom, A Hawk

What’s funny is that most of the fundamentalist Christian parents I know are WAY more repressive and backward than their Muslim counterparts.

The point went over your head. If you believe that, even after serving a sentence, that inmates deserve more punishment, then you also believe that the prison system is not working. Which, based on your comment, is probably not something you wouldn’t want to admit.

So you agree that the State doesn’t do enough to aid our troops once they come home, turning them into violent criminals, animal abusers, and thieves? Maybe, I dunno, we should stop cutting funding for veteran focused services? Maybe corporate welfare isn’t worth it?

Looks to me like she was more than willing to scrum. I thought it was pretty progressive that no one assumed anyone’s gender and treated eachother as equals

How is the KKK not against the law? They’ve done so many horrible things and yet a KKK flier promoting hate isn’t against the law. Jeez

Star Wars is good and I want to see this movie.

Fuck me, remembering complaining about the hilt in Adam Driver’s light saber?

Like who even were we then?

What a cheap, shameless tactic claiming the dropping of that monstrosity under a thin veil of patriotism.

It’s not about shaming people, it’s about pointing out and being aware of the problem.
I’m white and I dunno about proud (I don’t really care about’s not like I “earned” my skin color) but I’m definitely not ashamed of it. But I recognize that I was born with certain advantages given to me by public

This, right here? This is good Kinja.

When it attacks the individual and not the idea, there is a problem,”

Wait, one of the benefits of white privilege is that you can be late to meetings?

In history classes far into the future, the question: what was the tipping point that started WWIII? will be easily answered on final exams, much unlike the convoluted response for say, WWI, it will be a simple, one word answer: Twitter.

You gotta admit, the change from carrying the helmets to wearing them is probably a net positive.

For some reason I’m too scared to peek under that veil. I do get a good chuckle (as well as lots of headtilts and facepalms) from the comments on

I posted this the other day, but it just keeps being more fun:

You mean he’s a) “worse than a Democrat” or b) “has a New York sense of humour” or c) “Gets a free pass from Hollywood” (I mean he doesn’t but it’s a euphemism) or d) “Is really good with money” or e) “Doesn’t work on Saturdays” or f) “Eats babies on urine-soaked Christian altars under an inverted cross what do you

Another embarrassment to your generation? Your sense of humor.