Tom, A Hawk

In the same vein, I find it absolutely unbelievable that the GOP is willing to put its utter pettiness and cruelty on display. The war cry has never been, “pass this so more Americans will have better care” (for fairly obvious reasons). Instead it’s been completely along the lines of, “vote for this because we need to

I mean, TBH I have zero respect for the man - but if he really did think “shit, we’ve got nothing better than Obamacare but I can’t be held responsible for keeping it on -I know, let’s pin it on Ryan” that’s a pretty slick move. Game recognize game and all that.

Exactly. Also because he wants to go golfing for the weekend, and so he’s done with negotiations. Priorities!

Keep Obamacare? OH NO!! 😱

thats the master negotiator, thats the deal maker, thats the businessman at work.

What’s hilarious about all of this is that if you take him at his word (i.e. that Obamacare is a horrible system that is hurting people), then he’s essentially willing to saddle America with terrible healthcare out of SPITE.

Dom, I just want to say thanks, you are killing it with these football articles. Incredibly informative.

He’s gonna cry so hard when they try to put his socks on. And forget about combing his hair after the bath.

HAHAHA, I can just imagine him at his next “committee” meeting interrupting the others at the table with “HONK HONK” noises and pulling on an imaginary air horn. 

But he says what common people are thinking!*

acting like a big boy and keeping his diapy dry

My favorite Tweet so far...


Who drove it better?

He drove faster than anyone. Everyone said he’s the best and fastest truck driver around. A lot of people have said it. He can even drive faster than Kim Jong-Il and honk the horn louder.

Yawn call me when they have a smoking gun and can impeach him at this point it’s just bluster and smoke so if you’ll excuse me i’ll be busy concocting scenarios that get pence and Paul Ryan removed from office too.

Yeah Deadspin. Stick to Syria.

I wonder if he refuses to deliver plates of food put together by the kitchen help which no doubt includes people not from this country?

This country has been overrun by stupidity and fear. What they don’t realize is they should fear the backlash from the sane among us.