Tom, A Hawk

...In that case, eating human placenta, which was just going to plop out and exist anyway, shouldn’t disturb that practice.

I lost it at “You think Bill Cowher or Mike Ditka or Green Bay just waltzed into cozy jobs?” This is the actual thought process for the part-owners (fans) of their team.

Just you wait until the names of the players all start sounding familiar again because you rooted for their fathers when you were growing up.

Millenniums don’t even have to pay their dues before getting massive payouts and that’s why they are soft.

Millenniums don’t even have to pay their dues before getting massive payouts and that’s why they are soft. Bill Belichik had to work for THIRTY YEARS in the rock smashing factory before anyone even allowed him into the room where you can look at a football. The only thing these Millenniums are DISRUPTING is hard work.

What I can’t believe is all the commentators here saying “wait, this can’t be real, right?” Guys, a) this country was stupid enough to cast MORE THAN ZERO votes for Trump; b) you’ve seen the level of intelligence his defenders around here display; and c) read fucking a) and b) again over and over until you come to

I’ve been saying this since the election. The GOP will want to get rid of him within his first year, to give enough time for the GOP base to simmer down before the mid-terms. And Pence is such a fucking nightmare, worse than Trump IMO, to progressives since he’s just as batshit insane as Trump—maybe more with some of

My expectations and hopes are unbelievably low. I’ll actually consider the next four years a success if there are no nuclear weapons deployed and no significant land wars. I’m assuming that the economy, the social safety net, and basic human decency are already doomed.

Is this real?

Don’t worry. He’s gonna replace the ACA. Right away. Just don’t ask him with what. Even three years after he repeals it and keeps claiming he has a plan to replace it right away, don’t bother asking him what the plan is. When he claims he did replace it, don’t bother asking what he replaced it with. when he claims

Perhaps you’ve seen this? But, also, maybe not...

I like to watch these videos as an alternate reality in which Hillary or Bernie was elected:

Dejected white families staring at a television.

Let’s face it, 240 years was a pretty good, if not unprecedented, run for any republic. Now you’re all set for a despotic banana republic. Good luck with it.

I had my daughter at 37, way too late. Had I had her at 30 would’ve been way too early. There is no “good” timing for something like this.

but the main thing I want to draw attention to, here, is Parker’s legs. Look how much of them he’s got!

1. Why is it all dudes?