As a Jew, working on Christmas was awesome.
I was slated to work 8:30 to 12:30 overseeing the nuclear plant, so this is a relief.
That’s why Jesus invented pay-at-the-pump.
How is ‘fairly hefty’? Blatant cheating and a slap on the wrist. Pats copped a million dollar fine and a first round pick as well as some change for playing football in cold weather.
Please prepare yourself for a few solid weeks of Patriots fans screaming about how Roger Goodell was too lenient on the Giants.
You know what? Fuck the Thunder. They moved from the 13th biggest market to the 43rd biggest market and fucked over the people of Seattle in the process. They then cried poverty when it came time to sign Harden and decided to trade him rather than pay him $4m more over the life of his contract. By not keepoing a good…
The good news is that when the revolution comes, all the billionaires will be in one place.
I have smoked weed since I was 15 and never had an issue, but less than a year after taking oxy for the first time I was scoring dope in the streets. Been off that shit for 4 years but still get scared over what might have become of me.
I used to take oxy on a daily basis, but medical marijuana has allowed me to quit almost entirely.
Yeah not taking oxy after the 5 surgeries on my shoulder was probably the best decision I ever made in my life.
Fuck this.
Fucking evil bastards haven’t killed enough people here?
This world is not garbage. We as humans are garbage. The planet will go on without us just fine.
It’s wierd how all of the “F*ck yeah, Murica!” people are now pro-russia and pro-hitler.
I cried this morning at work when I read that she had been evacuated. Then I went into the bathroom and sobbed in the stall because yesterday a tv journalist reported on a 5 year old child in Syria who was in surgery WITHOUT ANAESTHESIA. He was reciting verses of the Quran out loud to withstand the pain.
Fucking flag and dismiss trolls who respond to shit like this with “good.”
I just thought this would be a good time to remind everyone that Kristallnacht happened when, after a tide of rising antisemitism in Germany, a Polish Jew shot and killed a German diplomat.
2017, the year that will launch 2016 “Miss me yet?” memes.
Fox News:
Liberals launch next wave of attacks in War on Christmas